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Everything posted by Yubstep101

  1. Canyon Blaster at Adventuredome, would've been El Loco but that decided not to open. Regardless, I rode it in the back and it was a blast.
  2. Canyon Blaster at Adventuredome in the back, holy crap that thing hauls.
  3. Yeah, I've been thinking that too. I'm going in a week or so and I'm really hoping it's open. If I'm right, X2 is usually closed in August.
  4. Remember when Six Flags was going to buy SeaWorld or at least some parks from them? Yeah, that didn't happen, did it?
  5. I saw Wonder Woman and I was very confused until I saw Six Flags Discovery Kingdom as the park, then it made sense.
  6. X-Flight at SFGAm, it was smoother than the last time I rode it but the vest may or may not be tighter on the brake run, not sure.
  7. Actually, you do have a good point. I forgot that they do have wheel covers. Come to think of it, something like Fury 325 would benefit greatly from them.
  8. I feel like coasters where the wheels are above the riders (such as Tatsu) would benefit greatly from these. I think Montu, Batman: The Ride (particularly the SFGAm one) and Nemesis would be perfect for these.
  9. Finally, I don't have to walk halfway across Gotham to go to the bathroom when I'm by Batwing!
  10. Mystic Timbers. Another year where I finish it off with a GCI. Last time that happened was 2016 with American Thunder at SFStL.
  11. Timberliners are some of the best coaster trains when it comes to theming, with Oscar's Wacky Taxi and Switchback probably being the best out of them (in terms of train theming)
  12. I see Ninja trains, but what are the other coaster trains? Mega Zeph???
  13. Another question, are Cedar Fair Halloween events generally better than Six Flags ones? Or are they on the same page? Granted it's nowhere near the level of Universal, but how comparable are they to one another?
  14. Does anyone have an idea if Twisted Timbers or Intimidator 305 operate in the rain? I'm planning on heading down for the first time this weekend.
  15. I wouldn't be upset with Firehawk going, it's sort of in a dead-end of the park (just like its counterpart in Maryland) and doesn't draw too many crowds as far as I'm concerned.
  16. Floorless stand-up trains? They've done it on drop towers, so why not roller coasters?
  17. It makes sense for them to open Flight of Fear, seeing that it's an indoor coaster. Does anyone know if Kings Dominion offers Flight of Fear for Winterfest or not?
  18. The best part about this new coaster to me is the 2nd launch with airtime, and it's a great fit for Carowinds. I wonder if other parks will get Mack launched coasters due to this new partnership. I could see Worlds of Fun and maybe Dorney get one sometime in the future.
  19. Back at IAAPA 2016, Sally did reveal a FNAF dark ride concept, which is a popular video game franchise, albeit not as much as before, but still popular. Here's a video talking about the concept
  20. "Flipping out at his arrival" Does that mean if the rumor that this is an S&S Air Launch is true, does that mean it will have inversions? And I guess the teasers have sort of a racing theme to it.
  21. This will be a very strange roller coaster. I wonder if we'll see more of them in other places.
  22. They could easily market it as a new experience, seeing that Blue Hawk and Mr. Freeze Reverse Blast exist.
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