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Everything posted by CedarFlags

  1. As much as RMCs are awesome, I'm actually really against GhostRider becoming one. I think it needs to stay all wood.
  2. I'll also be at CP on May 29th! Just made the reservations.
  3. I think it's very very likely that GR's refurb will be next year's big project. The park seems to be on a schedule of alternating new attractions with fixing up existing ones, and even Matt Ouimet has acknowledged that GR's refurb is on the list of projects for the park.
  4. As much as I agree about how much I want this, I find it so difficult to imagine how on earth they'd fit such a large coaster into the park. I mean, look at Silver Bullet and how hideously that was placed. Just plopped right down above everything having to take approximately three stories-worth of stairs to get to the station. Idk how feasible it is in real life, but they do have quite a bit of open air in Boardwalk and fairly large parking lots surrounding the park on all sides. Maybe a short out and back that does some kind of turnaround in the South lot, or crossing Western Ave? Maybe if they finally gave up on Riptide, that could be the station?
  5. I agree. Always thought that Chiller looked like an awesome ride, but it was gone by the time I was able to get to the park. I know both Mr. Freezes, and the Chiller had awful opening year problems, but why was Six Flags able to turn the other two into reliable coasters, but never The Chiller?? The Chiller had issues with dueling, when both the trains launched at the same time it would put a lot of stress on the power grid (which is why they ran staggered and later only the robin side). The Chiller also had issues with LIMs burning out and train issues with the zero-g roll. If you want to read more look at the GAdv History page. http://greatadventurehistory.com/BandRTheChiller.htm Wow, that was in interesting read. I never knew the ride was such a nightmare for the park.
  6. I'm planning my very first trip to CP right now, and this thread has been a HUGE help. I have 1 full day to spend at the park (with early entry) and then one more partial day (early entry until about 1:30pm). Would it be a waste to get FL or splurge on FL+? I just really want to see EVERYTHING this place has to offer... it's taken me 10 years to actually make this trip happen, and who knows how long it will be before I go back.
  7. I agree. Always thought that Chiller looked like an awesome ride, but it was gone by the time I was able to get to the park.
  8. TC looks so exciting! I definitely agree with whoever said more coasters need double-downs. Shame that I wasn't born soon enough to ride original Colossus when it had one.
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