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Everything posted by Cmbgo12

  1. This is the layout for the old Texas Giant... Just with steel tracking
  2. The steel tracking is almost completed . Now to add the wood supports, tunnels, and station then it should be prettyful... Shot0003.bmp
  3. Shot0002.bmp Laying the track, wooden supports to be added later Shot0004.bmp Track complete, now for the painstaking job of hand-laying the wooden supports Just started a new project! This time I'm trying to create an exact replica of the New Texas Giant rollercoaster. Im using Hyper Twister coaster track and the Caribbean style wooden supports. I'd like some feedback to this as I've never actually ridden the coaster before so I have no idea how accurate this is. Thanks Cmbgo12 Edit 1: Firstly sorry A.J, this is my first thread on here I forgot to read the rules ... Secondly i finished around 1/3 of the wooden supports last night and placed down the tunnels. Also, after finishing the track I realized that I'm actually 1000' short on the track. So while the coaster rides a lot like the actual Texas Giant, it just moves a lot faster, and is slightly rougher... Edit 2: 4 hours of building later and ITS FINALLY DONE Shot0005.bmp Birds-eye view... Shot0006.bmp Birds-eye view of the major helixy thingy Shot0007.bmp First drop Shot0008.bmp The station Shot0009.bmp Looking from the ground...
  4. It is an Arrow, and an early one at that. As for Yankee Cannonball though, if you get in the right car at the right time (Second car with a heavier group) the old girl gives amazing airtime. Never get front row though, as much as people say either front or back row is the best on woodies. Its not true in this case.
  5. Dominator at Kings Dominion in Doswell, VA. Its the longest floorless coaster, and most definitely one to remember. B&M installed it in Ohio originally, and it was moved down to Virginia with the Cedar Fair buyout of Paramount Parks. The coaster itself is absolutely extreme with 7-8 inversions and one of the tallest loops in the world. It doesn't beat you up when going though (Arrow could've learned something), totally the best ride to end the day with... This thing was too smooth for how extreme it was. B&M definitely out did themselves
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