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Everything posted by JeromyL

  1. La rev at Knotts always has a line. And it processes pretty quick. I would say alilstronger is correct. Unique flats still attract lines. I remember the very long lines with Z-force years ago at MM
  2. ^^^ I miss the old enterprise ride MM had. Falling stars are fun. And yes. Z-force is missed too
  3. How does meeting in front of the Inverter sound? at say 345pm... anyone need my phone number in case your running late and want to find us... send me a PM on here, or contact me on facebook (Jeromy Lormand)... i should be the only one on there... I'm going to go ahead and get the wrist band so I can ride the bejesus out of it and the canyon blaster.... then we can hit somewhere quick for food afterward... .. i wonder if slots o fun still sells those huge hot dogs....
  4. I have to say. As I get older. I could really use some park transportation options
  5. I'll nail down a meeting place and post it on here. If anyone needs my contact information. Send me a message
  6. Rofl. How about me meet up at 345. So we can get in there by 4pm. Get some rides in. (ERT ROBB!!!). Lol. Just kidding . Anyways. I'm excited!!!
  7. I work on Saturdays until 4:30 so I can't get over there until about 5 or so would love to meet up if you can wait until nighttime. I am off on Tuesday's and will be going over there to check it out opening day and if anyone else is going to go, shoot me a pm and we can meet up. Will be my first opening day. How about we schedule it for Tuesday evening (18th) then. What time should we meet up and where do you think a good place to meet?
  8. Ok everyone from Vegas. I see it's opening Tuesday Feb 18th, I say we need to get together and go down soon to eat and ride. What about Saturday morning (feb 22nd) when the park opens. Go for some early rides and lunch???
  9. ROFL. Hmmm I wonder what every person that rides it will be doing?
  10. Anyone know what we can expect to be playing during the ride?
  11. I've always been a funnel cake fan. But man, those Bavarian creme stuffed churos were amazing
  12. Flash pass question. Let's say you pre-buy the gold flash pass online with 2 people. Can you pay and add in another when you pick the unit up at the park?
  13. I was there 2 weeks ago and the morale was fantastic. LOL. I hate going in the summer anyways. Winter rules. (Oh wait. There is no winter in California this year. Woot!! )
  14. They did add a little black mark on the edge. Friend of mine can no longer ride because the mark didn't go back far enough.
  15. I'm already embarrassing my daughter and photobombing the ride photos! Great day at Knotts today. A lot of construction including the street curbs in the market place. Ghost rider is getting track work and the mine ride is moving right along in the refurb!!! No lines today. Excelerator has been a walk on most of the day so far!!!
  16. As soon as she saw the TPR bag my daughter was begging for it. (Lol) thanks ROB and ELiSSA!!!! Was a fantastic surprise!!! I'm still drooling over the contents
  17. Fat burger is way better than in-n-out. (Although in n out is my 2nd favorite burger
  18. Don't forget. We need a meetup to go ride El Loco and have dinner when it opens. Mr stratosphere, your dinner is on me. Thanks for all the the updates!!!
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