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Everything posted by JeromyL

  1. Worst pizza ever. Hamburgers are ok. (Only thing I found I like is the chili burgers next to soaring over California). Don't think I hate Disney. I love going there. I'm just not happy with the food. I dont think you hate them (nor do I care, im just trying to understand why you don't like the food.) Over the past few years the entire resort went through food revolution. Nearly every place that serves any type of meal has an upgraded menu with much better food offerings. The only places that haven't had anything done are Pizza Port and the Plaza Inn. Next time you are there, try something new at a different place. I think you'd be surprised. Now, back to YOLO Mountain, is there any movement on New Coaster 19 ? lol I'll give it a try. It's been about 4 years since I've been back
  2. Worst pizza ever. Hamburgers are ok. (Only thing I found I like is the chili burgers next to soaring over California). Don't think I hate Disney. I love going there. I'm just not happy with the food.
  3. Is this only in the Anaheim and Orlando parks you're talking about? Even Disney Paris has good food, as well as the Asian parks. Anaheim
  4. "Agreed. Only parks in my opinion that have "Outstanding" food is Busch and Disney Parks ." OMG. I hate Disney food. Eeewwww
  5. One of the ex ride engineer friend of the family said that ninjas track was snapped in half and separated laterally about 3 feet. He told me where but honestly I can't remember
  6. Still ticked off that I didn't know they had dole whip. It's cool though. I'm going back to Knotts and magic mountain in two weeks. (Magic Mountain on Sunday the 19th. I'll get my dole whip fix then!!!
  7. Hey, when they first moved it in, it was fairly smooth. (Thanks Northridge!, you could have kept that quake to yourselves
  8. That would be cool if they had it open by jan 19th. (My next trip out). As I have never been there when it has operated
  9. I agree. Too much of a hassle to tear it down. They would just leave it as a memorial so to speak.
  10. ^^^ can you expand on this one. You got my curiosity going
  11. I'll be at Knotts on the 18th!!!! Whoo hoo. I'm on a roll. Been to Knotts every month so far since West Coast Bash!
  12. I'll be heading out to Magic Mountain Jan 19th (need my coaster fix!). (And Knotts on the 18th of Jan)
  13. They should just up the price of the tickets and offer free parking. Wouldn't they make more money if everyone paid it, instead of each car load?
  14. That and there is no set time limit when to ride. You just ride when you want
  15. Not exactly sure. But i know it's at least 30 min before the park opened. (When I processed mine)
  16. Just out of curiosity. How often do they have to replace worn cables. I bet that isn't cheap.
  17. I'm with you on that one. Bought my season pass in October and I have been 3 times so far and and it's not even 2014 yet
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