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Everything posted by Cllins

  1. Rob I am afraid I have to drop out of this years contest , this is due to me spending most of my spare time trying to refurbish my house so I can move in to it. Serve me right for buying one that was built in 1849. Good luck to this year entry’s Nick Collins Current state of my new/old house
  2. Dam you Paul. No more of the old pictures. When was that taken ? (I look a bit young).
  3. 1. angry_gumball Entry #2 2. milkchan Entry #3 3. V2Dude Entry #2 Nick
  4. You have spent time doing it don’t put that time to waste. Go on put on the forum. let everyone see your work
  5. Hope you guys have a great time in the UK. Shame I can’t make any of the days your over here. I am off to the USA tomorrow. Busch gardens Williamsburg, Kings Dominion, Hershey park, Lake compounce & Six Flags New England credits to be had. Nick
  6. Don’t worry I’m not offended at all everyone is entitled to there own opinion. I think its time to update my editing software anyway as I have had the same software since 2001 and the software is dated 1998. Nick
  7. I love Phil Hart's clip different and very silly. I just I bit confused about the “TWIDDLING OF THE FOCUSING RING !!!!!” thing Nick
  8. Some of my on ride photos New & heritage photos :- Do you remember when to get an on ride photo you had to pay for it without seeing it then you was waiting until it arrived in the post a month later. That’s what it was like at Alton Towers back in the late 80’s was it like that anywhere in the US ? Nick “Please excuse the late 80s hair do’s ” Collins Me at the back holding on for dear life 1987 Alton Towers Log 1987 Alton Towers Log 1989 Disneyland In the Rain at 01:03 !!! 1995 Drayton Manor Park 2004 Pepsi Max Big One - Blackpool Pleasure Beach 2004 (In the Rain) Flying Dutchman Gold Mine - Six flags Holland Shivering Timbers June 2005
  9. It was one of those parks that’s so bad it’s good. How can you not like the World of timber, Singing animals shop & how could you forget Chimney Pot Walk in a hurry. It was like something out of Monty Python just waiting for the minister of silly walks to appear. I think because of the small amount of people that was ether predicted to be there or actually here they were running the ride of bear minimum staff & moving the them around to different rides. If this helps, we got a bit of paper at the entrance with the opening times. It was :- Waterforce 10:30 to 13:00 & then 13:45 to 16:30 Cliffhanger – 25min sessions (opens at for 25mins) 10:15, 11:15, 12:15, 14:15, 15:15, 16:15 (Last ride 16:30) Barrel Ride – 25min sessions (opens at for 25mins) 10:45, 11:45, 12:45, 13:45, 14:45, 15:45 (Last ride 16:00) But don’t worry World of timber, Singing animals shop & Chimney Pot Walk don’t close until the park closes.
  10. Do-it yourself fun when the coaster is closed While going for a new credit on the Isle of Wight in the UK at Blackgang Chinetoday I discovered something We got to the park just as the 400’ coaster closed (Yes I said 400’ well that’s what is says on the leaflet & website). “This exciting roller coaster is perched near the edge of vertical cliffs, climbs to 400' above the sea before dropping nearly 40' in twists and turns reaching speeds of up to 35mph” perched near the edge of vertical cliffs – it’s about 20 feet away from the edge. Coaster was only open for 25 minute periods with a bit of time in between opening times. So we had 1 hour 30mins to kill before it opened again. What to do what to do !!!!!. Sorry about the quality of these photo’s as there off my camera phone (wishing I had taken my camcorder now). I am not joking these are real How much fun can you have in the Rain Anyone remember the film Titanic That way Captain I the crooked house Nothing to say about this one ! It was Hell Do it yourself caveman area Nome world Push button singing animals shop (Yes the Dog in the back ground is singing) Wow it was hours on fun in this world Wow, World of Timber Here they are in all there glory (you don’t have to walk far) A list just in-case you didn’t know what one looks like !!!! Yes that’s Chimney Pot Walk Identification !!!!!
  11. Wild Wild West - Warner Bros. Movie World Madrid Looks GREAT, when you do it its !!!!!!!!!!! whats going on weres the air time. Nick "Why Why Bother" Collins
  12. I think you’re missing one of the points of rides. There designed to make you feel uneasy and feel like you’re going to fall out (It heightens the riders experience). I watched a program a couple of weeks ago and Stan Checketts from S&S was on about the fly swat. He was saying that they had designed the shoulder restraints on the ride to move to give the rider a sense of that they might fall out. I have noticed that they do that. The next time you do the ride pull the restraints down on your shoulders move you shoulders up & down and you will notice that they move. But the lap bar is what was holding the rider in securely (I bet you don’t even need the over shoulders restraints at the end of the day). I am no engineer and sure that there are failsafe on the ride to actually stop rider from falling out. Yes it must have been very upsetting for some of the riders tripped on the ride but I am sure they were safe. It announce me that some people can bad mouth something before they even try to understand what they bad mouthing. My rant over Nick “PS, I love the ride its great” Collins
  13. I know vekoma rides are rough but not that rough !!!! Nick
  14. Are all Gerstlaur cars that bad. When we did Villain at Geauga Lake this year. I was well disappointed with it, I love all the CCI wooden coasters I have been on but that one has to be the worst coaster I have here been on. It was just so rough and painful. Nick
  15. Ooooops someone has already put it on the forum
  16. Or like this Nick Dr Alvey says “Don’t worry this isn’t going to hurt a bit”
  17. I presume you mean something like this ???? Nick Just love those sweets !!!!
  18. ParkTrips I can what you mean, it would scar anyone. I love the night photo with the awesome skies in it Brilliant keep them coming more more. Nick
  19. Show us some of your favourite picture you have taken. Here some of I have taken. Sorry there all railway ones but that’s my other hobby & also my job (I time trains like this in the UK). Vigo North West Spain - 2001 Mallow Rep of Ireland - Steam heat train 2003 Scotland UK - 2001 York UK - 2005 Killarney Rep of Ireland - Steam heat train 2004 Dublin Hesuton sun set Rep of Ireland - 2004 Nick “Railway hobby but not for long but not for long as it is finishing very quickly, at least Roller coasters aren’t though” Collins
  20. Robb I got my copy today. It’s great I love it. I especially like the T shirt. Looks like you had a great time in Europe. Hope to join you at some point during your trip to the UK next year. Nick “Sounds like you enjoyed the SLC in Walibi World” Collins
  21. Watched it yesterday. Thought it was good, but felt like it was an extended TV episode and not a cinema event like it should on been. Yes lot of jokes to watch out for happening in the background & foreground. Also something’s in it have been done before in Wallace & Gromit. It’s not a bad film at all just could of been better. Cracking cheese Gromit Nick “Just my opinion” Collins
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