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Everything posted by FaithPlus1

  1. I agree with you!! Im so excited for Fury. Next is a tie between Twisted Colossus and Wicked Cyclone. This is the first time since X that I am excited for a new SFMM coaster! Im certainly not expecting it to be the best RMC but I can't imagine it being bad in any way. Love the colors also. Wicked Cyclone looks like a flat out beast and I know ill be making the trip next summer to find out for myself. Thunderbird is what Im most interested in seeing the finished product and reading reviews. I think it could go either way. Really go or just meh.
  2. I was thinking, it might be cool to hang on to one of the standup trains and maybe give standup rides once a year as a promotion. Although with the station renovation that may be difficult.
  3. I was blown away and totally surprised by Lightning Run!!! Loved it! Banshee was so darn fun and is my new number 1 invert. Goliath was the biggest letdown for me:( The drop was good, the airtime hill was good, and the zero-g stall was a nice touch. However, each time I rode it I couldn't help but think, "thats it?" Way to short and a big let down for me. No where near my top 20. Haven't been on any other but the one Id most like to ride would be Medusa. Looks far and away better than Goliath, but I would have to ride to know for sure:)
  4. I did rotate them for some reason they didn't show up that way but I posted them. Oh well. The colors really look great and I can't wait for this ride once it's done! Thanks for posting. Sorry these guys are acting so immature. I wish we can be serious and focus on a more serious matter. Anyway, can anyone confirm the rumor that Snake River falls was originally designed with a cobra roll but the State of Ohio would not approve?
  5. Yes back on topic. I heard in 1969 Cedar Creek Mine ride was originally supposed to feature 3 inversions including a vertical loop, Immelmann, and a zero-G stall. However Arrow chose to pass on that idea. Please confirm if you know anything regarding this.
  6. ^ I think MF was originally planned to have a zero-g stall but it was removed last minute. Can anyone confirm?
  7. Anyone know when the entire Looping Dragon ride will arrive on a singe flat-bed truck?
  8. Looks pretty darn neat. Love that they went with an original design. Yay for HW:)
  9. I heard Magnum was originally supposed to be getting a RMC makeover featuring 6 inversions, including a zero-G stall, but the park decided to go with Gatekeeper. Can anyone please confirm this?
  10. ^OMG, thanks for that clarification! BTW- How are the Angles doing?
  11. I'm sorry but you are in the clear minority and quite frankly your comment is a bit odd. Many like intense, but to go as far as to say you want a coaster to rip your arms and legs off is going too far. Im guessing you are a bit of a "sissy" boy and riding overly intense rides help you to feel more manly.
  12. Most wooden coaster require year maintenance don't they? Im thinking topper track and some reprofiling could turn this into a ride as wonderful as it looks.
  13. Wow they are moving along quickly. You know I can't help but to think that if Mean Steak received the RMC treatment how improved their coaster collection could be without spending 25 million on a new ride. That would make two rides (mean streak and mantis) that were considered by some to be terrible and make them enjoyable. I can also see the CCMR being removed for something in that spot. Although i am in the minority because I always ride it when o visit CP! I just think good things are coming to CP.
  14. Maybe they're using that new Behr Paint and Primer in one from Home Depot!!!
  15. I agree as well! Im actually pretty excited for updates and reviews in the future. This ride intrigues me unlike that crappy Green excuse for a coaster at SFMM. Im thinking the ride experience on this will be much better than GL.
  16. All Batman Clones. Worst type of invert by far in my opinion. Ive ridden 4 of them and don't like any.
  17. IMO- Vortex is that bad and is in the perfect spot for a new coaster. The last few times I have ridden it I was banged up pretty bad. And I am not buying you have to sit in the right seat for it to be comfortable. One of the roughest rides I have ever been on. Worse than Revolution, Mean Streak, and I think worse than SOB. The transitions throughout the ride are terrible.
  18. ^Thank you for the info! Looking down the road...I think Vortex should be removed for a new coaster.
  19. ^LOL In all seriousness, Vortex is awful and that spot is the best setting for a new coaster.
  20. Is it true KI is putting in a 400ft dive coaster in place of Vortex?
  21. Well, they will take the old trains off and put the floorless trains on, fix the station to have a drop floor, and its done. Not sure why it would be that tough to pull off
  22. Most of us knew you were being sarcastic. Always a few slow ones that don't get it. I appreciated your humor. Ignore ignorant!!!
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