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Dr. M

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Everything posted by Dr. M

  1. It looks like the same ride because it is the same ride. Mostly all they've been working on is the trains. They haven't been spending all this time "improving" the ride, all they've been doing is trying to make it meet modern safety standards. It isn't really fair for the "hype" to grow in proportion to how long the ride has been in development, I mean it was always just going to be a wooden bobsled coaster. If you've spent seven years thinking it's taking this long due to sheer epicness, you're bound to be disappointed.
  2. I can't even tell if you're being serious. The reason why responses like this are so ridiculous is because the stupid thing has been built for years now, why should ANYONE be surprised by the height/size/layout? It was always meant as a family coaster. And it should be obvious that they're doing it for the love of it, not because they're worried about how much business they're going to attract. Are you seriously comparing it to a new marquee attraction at Universal, as of the two have anything to do with each other at all? Or are you doing your best impression of all the dumb Facebook commentators? Because if so you forgot to add some spelling mistaeks.
  3. Is every aggressive wooden coaster going to need topper track now?
  4. "Judging by the POV" Is a great way to start off a post. Um, I've been riding Talon every year since it opened, and I'm pretty sure everyone is judging Banshee based off the POV, unless you think there's somebody who's ridden it already. I checked the POV of Talon before posting just to make sure my actual experience of the ride felt about the same as it looked in the video, which it does. Do you disagree with anything I said or were you just pointing out that you shouldn't make judgments on a ride based purely on a video (which I tend to agree with)?
  5. Just judging by the pov, Talon has tighter transitions and those ground-level turns at the end which are the most forceful part of the ride. Banshee's turns at the end are wider and higher off the ground. I could be wrong, but I doubt this ride will be much like Talon. More like Alpengeist, bigger inversions, more speed, less force.
  6. Considering the video still has under 700 views, I'm pretty sure you guys are just giving him exactly what he wanted.
  7. You are WRONG about Talon. Wrong wrong wrong wrong. Talon is 100% old-school B&M, every bit as forceful as Raptor. Ok, you may continue.
  8. I was really looking forward to my trip in September. Definitely won't bother if El Toro's down...
  9. I have lots of crazy ideas. How about a coaster element shaped kind of like the omega symbol (riding the outside of it): Designed to deliver the most prolonged single moment of ejector airtime on the planet. Why not?
  10. There are many, many stock sound effects that get used over and over in all kinds of media. They're especially easy to pick out if they're used in a video game you've played, since you've heard it over and over. I got the chance to skim through a professional sound effects library while in music school and was amazed at how many of them I recognized, particularly vocal effects like screaming and "guy getting punched" sounds.
  11. What about your biology effects graying out? I'm a total feather weight, 5'8, 125 lbs, you'd think I'd gray out all the time but I honestly can't even remember the last time it happened. Lightheaded yes, but never vision impairment.
  12. Why does the wait for Skyrush decline so sharply around dinnertime? Wait times for the rest of the park are all more consistent. This has probably been asked before but it's still a mystery to me.
  13. That's really a shame, it looks like such a great ride. Why can't somebody who gives a crap buy the park and fix it? Why do the owners think they can run a business this way?
  14. Hi, my name is Robb Alvey, and I feel it is my personal responsibility to inform you that you are too fat.
  15. I don't think "perfect circle" loops have ever been put on a modern (i.e. any still operating) coaster. Mindbender has the normal "tear drop" loop shape. Perfect circle loops would give you incredible whiplash.
  16. I don't really understand the distinction being made, airtime IS g-force, just in a specific direction. In any case, I don't NEED high g-force to enjoy a coaster, Millennium Force being a great example, it has height and speed to compensate for it. Lightning Racer is another, you get great visuals and the racing element to make up for it. But at the end of the day, high g's almost always make for a great ride. I can honestly say I never thought a ride was too forceful (how could that be possible?), but uncomfortable restraints can ruin a forceful ride. I don't mind graying out on a ride, when it happens, which is very rarely.
  17. I'm convinced it isn't body type, it's all mental. Flexing your thigh muscles helps, but what it comes down to is how much are you focused on the pain, versus how much are you focused on the ride. The more you go on it, the less focused you are on the pain and the more you can enjoy the ride. The softer restraints ARE better than what it had at first. And you have to ride defensively. The special thing to me about Skyrush is every single element packs such a wallop, every twist, every hill, and you have to be braced for it, physically and mentally. That's much easier the more familiar you are with the layout. Due to the openness of the restraint, it'll toss you around like a rag doll -if you let it. And about holding on for dear life: Is there ANYBODY who can keep their hands off the restraints on that last airtime hill? I found it virtually impossible, my hands went diving for it every time no matter how hard I tried. No other coaster has done that to me either.
  18. I think most people agree, there is nothing wrong with the restraints on just about every B&M invert (going forwards), there was no need to redesign the restraints. Yet they went and did it anyway HOORAY!
  19. ^That's really good, I hope people visiting the park for the first time think to do that.
  20. Roller coasters are one of the most frequent recurring themes in my dreams. Intimidator 305 is a popular one, which is funny as I have yet to go on it (plan on going next year).
  21. Went this past Sunday, had a great time. It poured for maybe forty minutes near the end of the night, but luckily it stopped an hour before closing and they opened everything back up, including Skyrush. I wanted to point out that they really had operations licked on that ride, what would've been a 45 minute wait last year was about 30 minutes on Sunday. They got the line moving very quickly. That said, it really does suck that besides the first row you don't have any say at all where you sit, the only other coaster I remember that loaded that way was Lazer at Dorney. For a major attraction, it's pretty dumb (although the op at the end of the night let me sit at the back of the train when I asked if I could). Speaking of which, Skyrush is as bonkers as ever, despite the slowdown at the top of the lift. If anything I think it's an improvement, lets you enjoy the height for a moment before plummeting to your doom. I don't think there's anything they could do to neuter this ride. The one thing the slowdown does change though is it makes the crazy pop of air you get on the first drop more pronounced in the back, making that the clearly preferable seat IMO, so again it's a little lame you can't pick your seat. I only tried asking to change rows at the end of the night though, maybe they'll always let you if you ask. Only ride I didn't get on was Fahrenheit. Waiting an hour or more in that IV drip of a line out in the blazing sun is such a black hole of unpleasantness right in the middle of the day and it's never worth it for that ride, vertical lift hill or no. Get it done early or don't bother. That was the only hour wait we saw all day. Oh, one more thing, Hershey has the best designed mobile app of any park I've been to. Puts CP's to shame, that's for sure.
  22. I don't understand why B&M would need to start making launched rides when several other manufacturers have that area well covered. Why would any park want them to build a launched coaster? What would it even be like? A launch into big sweeping inversions that are otherwise the same as every other B&M? What's the point?
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