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Dr. M

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Everything posted by Dr. M

  1. I can't believe I'm bothering to post this as I'm sure it's been said multiple times already, but Knoebels would never in a million, billion years build a mega lite.
  2. I seriously can not wait for this coaster to exist, even if it's a couple years until I get to ride it. I know it's just a rendering but that POV looks like a rollercoaster I'd ride in a dream... the way it's laid out and the zero G stall, and that combination of webs of wood underneath track that somehow looks barely supported at all... let's just say I'll be following construction of this much more closely than of Banshee.
  3. ^Glad I'm not the only one! Don't know if it was the lack of warning or the time of year or what, but I hope next summer this ride will start getting more of the love it deserves.
  4. I loved the haunted antique cars as well. Really well done.
  5. If that's the case, then I'm sorry my disability would be an inconvenience for you. I'll make sure to stay out of your way. I don't really see it being a safety issue either because there are all kinds of rides that are probably hard to evacuate from, but I can still ride. Even at Holiday World, I see the Mammoth/Wildebeest and Voyage being harder than the Flying Turns purely out of speculation. It isn't that it is an inconvenience, but it makes complete sense why the park is doing this. Think about it like a ride breaking down. The line stops moving and people get frustrated that they have been waiting in line for so long, only to have to wait longer. If the smooth operation of the ride comes to a halt because of one disabled guest, there are going to be some frustrated guests. I am not saying that it is right, but I totally understand why the park is doing it, and honestly, I am not going to question the judgment of Knoebels since they actually got FT up and running when many had given up on it. I can guarentee you Knoebels isn't denying people with disabilities access to the ride because they're worried about other guests having to wait longer. That would be like a city bus not allowing wheel chairs during rush hour because they're worried about clogging traffic. This is 2013, stuff like that doesn't fly. It's not right and Knoebels wouldn't do it.
  6. I don't see why once you hit the speed/height/intensity limit, the move has to then be towards dark ride technologies. I love dark rides and all, but how about more innovation in track layout and progression? New elements like what RMC is doing with the zero g stall? Those are the developments that excite me the most, and I don't think we'll see the end of that any time soon.
  7. I very distinctly remember a wheel chair sitting on the side of the station when I got off Flying Turns on Saturday (it was running three trains). I don't know if they made an exception because of how recently the ride opened, or maybe it depends on the operator, but it clearly wasn't being enforced that day. Regardless, I very highly doubt it's purely for capacity reasons. That sounds illegal and very un-Knoebels.
  8. I was secretly hoping Power Surge was going, or at least getting moved, I just think they could do something better with that space. Oh well, maybe next year.
  9. Nope, just saw it in a state of disassembly and assumed. I wonder why that's necessary.
  10. Got on Flying Turns yesterday, had a great time. The line was out the entrance but it was still only about an hour wait. The operations were outstanding, especially for a coaster as non traditional as this. The themeing is also really well done. The coaster itself was super fun, I have no other bobsled coasters to compare it to, but it definitely felt more aggressive than I was expecting towards the end. Just enough of a sense of danger to keep it thrilling. This was my first time at Hallo-Fun and it was every bit as good as I was expecting. Knoebels is the perfect place to be in the fall, the trees were beautiful and honestly, show me a more gorgeous countryside than eastern PA. There was a light but steady rain that lasted most of the day, but I never saw anything shut down, including Flying Turns. Twister, after dark, in the rain, was one of the most intense experiences I've had on any coaster ever. Even when I did have my eyes open (the rain kept them shut for most of it) I couldn't see AT ALL what was coming up next, I might as well had never ridden it before, every turn took me by surprise. Oh, and you could've added me to the list of people who don't understand why Knoebels wins best food all the time, that is, up until last night. Apparently I'd just never gotten the right thing before, because last night I got a sandwich at the international food court (which during the fall is just the food court), I can't remember what it was called, "Barnyard something", but it was ham, egg, cheese, sweet potato fries, and horseradish sauce, all on a wonderfully hearty bun... holy crap, very easily the best food I've ever had at an amusement park (not that the competition is very stiff). Plus, corn cakes. <3 Now, about Stratosfear. I HAVE to know what makes this drop ride so much better than every other drop ride I've been on. Even Pit Fall didn't have a drop as intense as this one, and they both seem to be utilizing about the same technology (lift you up, drop, magnetic brakes). Did they find some way to reduce the friction between the car and the tower? All I know is, the sensation of falling is like something out of my nightmares, totally uncontrolled, very much like you simply jumped off a roof and are barreling downwards to your doom. I'd love it if anyone could explain that to me. I only have a couple negatives. I didn't know they were removing Power Surge (probably old news but I missed it), and it was a shame that they couldn't have finished the job over the week since that was quite an eyesore right at the entrance to the park, the main arm still hanging there with a tangle of white wires hanging from it. (Not that I'll miss the ride of course, and that's prime real estate for them to put something else awesome there.) Also, there were a few timing issues and light leakage problems in the Haunted Mansion that I don't remember ever seeing before, which pretty negatively affected the scariness of the ride. Since this is Knoebels I know they'll fix it at some point, but it was admittedly a little disappointing. Finally, one of the huge draws for us is the carousel organs they have, and when we first got there, none of them were turned on, and instead there was a tape playing through really tinny speakers behind one of the cabinets. This was baffling and really scary, but luckily when we passed by it again later on the bigger organ was running like normal and sounded gorgeous. ^These are all very minor quibbles and overall we had an excellent time. I don't usually take pictures, but I thought the sky looked really dramatic behind flying turns. I know, just a blurry cell phone picture, but I wanted to share it anyway.
  11. So is it in the direction of Wildcat, or the parking lot, or...
  12. ..... People every amusement park is a company The "small feel" is always awesome but...well guess Im a cold bastard, let's be real. Parks are run for profit are they not? That settles that right there And yeah, we always lament the big parks but they are 'big' for a reason, after all. Knoebels is awesome but you dont exactly get the selection of CP or even Hershey, nor the often expansions. But its a damn good company! Really have to sneak Knoebels in this year, one upside to its smaller size, I dont mind going alone when I visit some PA friends! Edit: Or this thing that's going down in October perhaps Not every company is a corporation, there's a big difference. And nobody is saying they're running a charity. And nobody is even talking about which is better, small parks or big parks, because they're two different things and there's no reason to compare them. So your post is completely pointless. This is the dumbest conversation I've seen on this forum. Knoebels IS a small mom and pop park. Next topic, please.
  13. ^I just want to reiterate that I'm 5'8" and didn't find Maverick painful at all, but I can to totally see how a shorter person would have a much worse time with it. Necks are softer than skulls. I'm not sure they could just not have OTSR on that ride though, you might get people really hurting their backs. Like on Skyrush but worse.
  14. Are we seriously arguing over whether or not Knoebels is a mom-and-pop park? Seriously. They employ the most people in their rural mountain county, they're positively corporate!
  15. This is off-topic but Maverick was the first time I experienced "neck-banging", which doesn't hurt like head-banging does. I must be the right height for it. Anticipating the twists does help eliminate it altogether but I never found the ride painful. Of course, no amount of defensive riding can help mitigate the pain in a rough wooden coaster like (apparently) the Voyage. I can't wait to ride it anyway though.
  16. I didn't know if this was a sure thing, if it is than that's awesome.
  17. ^Unless Hershey expands it's borders, I very highly doubt we'll ever see another coaster anywhere near 200 feet there.
  18. As much as I love seeing my home park getting something that makes people in other states jealous, I'm disappointed (but not surprised) the dry park isn't getting anything next year. I'm not really a water park kind of guy, the last time (and only time in recent memory) my family went to WWK we waited forty minutes for a speed slide and then called it a day. Although I've always wanted to try a trap door slide so maybe this'll be a good reason to give it another chance.
  19. It's easy to have a bias towards your local parks for stuff like this, but I really like Thunderhawk, Storm Runner, and Black Diamond, plus I love how they named all the coasters at Mt. Olympus. WAIT, I nearly forgot my favorite one of all. Kingdom Coaster. Bad. Ass.
  20. It looks to me like they're really pushing to have it open for the fall. Why else would they be testing so much?
  21. Park operations are always going to be a tough thing to critique since they vary so much from year to year, day to day, ride to ride, sometimes even hour to hour. I went two years ago and found a friendly, efficiently run park, and had a great time. I'm sorry to hear it's apparently gotten worse and hope it isn't a long-term trend, they have some great rides. Who knows, maybe the day I had was the exception. Oh, and every pendulum ride I've been on like Black Widow has been a loading nightmare, Hershey, Dorney, even at Cedar Point. So that may not be their fault.
  22. It's hard not to oversell something that's so unique and has taken so long to complete. But give it a year, all the hype/fuss/disappointment will fade away and it'll just be another fun family ride with an interesting history behind it at Knoebels. I don't think anybody involved in the project deserves anything but admiration for their integrity and commitment. Any ridicule just reeks of pettiness.
  23. This isn't anywhere near my "worst" coaster experience but it was definitely one of my "lamest". Hydra on a cold, cold Sunday during Halloweekends when me and my girlfriend were practically the only people at the park, and certainly the only people on the ride. I don't know if the cold or the empty train effected it more, but it was so slow I wondered if we'd even make it through the course, and extremely rattly, even with some headbanging during the inversions. Only coaster we didn't reride despite there obviously being no lines until after dark when people started to show up for the haunts.
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