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  • Birthday 04/16/1995

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  1. Hey everyone!! Yesterday, Parque Warner Madrid inagurated the new VR experience in it's coaster: Batman: La fuga This time, the park opted to retheme the ride to match the experience of the VR. The coaster name has change to: Batman Arkham Asylum, with a complete rheteme of the qeu and the station. Here's a video that shows a little bit more about the new experience: [youtu_be] [/youtu_be]
  2. You are right, they are working on Coaster Express. Here some pictures of the works: Pictures from The user MarianoPB shared on CAPTE.org
  3. Sorry, but this was a joke. It doesn't came from any official source. Just don't believe it. All the real and true information about the proyect is going to be said the 7 of May, with the beguinning of the constructon.
  4. Hello everyone! This thread is to post about all the news, rumors, trips, questions, etc... about Parque de Atracciones de Madrid, in Spain. To begin the thread, the Park has announced than its Iconic horror Maze "El Viejo Caseron" has been closed after 25 years of Operation to open a new horror experience this Halloween: The Walking Dead Experience, the first permanent "The Walking Dead" Maze ever build!!! As for the story the maze it's going to follow, there's no word from the Park. For the costumes, they are working with American Movie Classics to bring to life the characters form the series. Here some of the characters we will see in the maze: Here some pictures of the construction of the maze: For more info, follow the park's twitter: @pam_onride
  5. Is not going to be a Batman Theme waterpark, is going to follow a Lonney Toons theme, and it's going to be called Warner Beach. Here some Artworks: This last photo was taken in december This is the info thant we have, as the park hasn't reveal anything more about it.
  6. Hi everyone!!!, here are some fresh news about this little spanish park. For 2014 the park is going to open a new waterpark inside the park. IS going to be theme in the mayan culture (as it was the section of the park which would became the new waterpark). Here are some pics of the model and some of the theming. here some of the mayan theme here a map of hoe is going to be the park the model So as you see, is going to be a really small park, but really complete.
  7. If you look to the pìcture, theres a part of layout we can see. This could probably be something similar to Thors Hammer in Tusenfryd, that opened this year....
  8. Hello everyone, I would like to show you what the park has created as his new atracction 2014: La Machine á Voyager dans le Temp It's going to be open as a preview before it's 2013 season finish, the 21 of December. Here is the link of the web page of the park:es.futuroscope.com/atracciones-y-espectaculos/tonto/la-maquina-del-tiempo And here is a promotional video: www.ilsdebwaaarquent.com/ p.D: sorry for my bad english
  9. Now the park is going well, it's the only park in Spain from Parques Reunidos who has had benefits. Is true that the goverment closed the railway line. It has been closed since 2011. The Pictures were taken a week ago.
  10. LINK REMOVED. ADMIN EDIT: You do not have enough posts to be able to post links or external videos yet. Plus it was already said that TPR would be posting their official POV of the ride very soon. Please wait until then.
  11. Bad news as one of the OTSR from Furius Bacco has snapped, so the ride will be down for weeks until the found the problem. Here the video were you can see the OTSR broken:
  12. Here we have the new coaster complete: Looks amazing They are working on the theming And we have testings: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObSGyMrWexI&context=C47cd248ADvjVQa1PpcFPm23c0hMrdnINDX5Um-z7GfF1P9tnFeWM= Taken form:www.posesionfriki.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=29&jfile=viewtopic.php&f=10&t=412&start=110
  13. From here in Spain i have to say that the rumor is false!. The fact is that the train that connected the city center with the park is going to close due to the high cost and the low use of the line when the parks closed. The park is nowadays in a very good situation. Is not going to close soon.
  14. HI TPR!!!!!!!!1 My name is JAvier, i'm from Spain. I love, as everybody on these forum, coasters. I found this web on Youtube when i was watching a POV of Cheetah Hunt. Is great to now that there is so many people around the world that loves costers as i do!!!!!!!!!! See you Online!!!!!!!!!!
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