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Everything posted by pixelated85

  1. Probably because they're literally everywhere in the park? -Near TNT entrance -Near Lost River entrance -Near Rinbhousr -Near Wildfire entrance Nah, I meant the one by Thunderation specifically
  2. One of the best parts (IMO) of going to Silver Dollar City is that your nose is constantly bombarded with fantastic smelling food. You'll know when they fire up the skillets by Thunderation- I don't know if it's location or potency, but those skillets can be smelled throughout the park, no joke.
  3. * I would personally be all about either GCI or RMC reworking the Boss. Anything is better than nothing. That ride deserves a chance to be an awesome, re-rideable coaster. *I'm also all about HW ramping up their advertising here in town. The locals deserve to know what a great park HW is, as I really think most people in town haven't heard of it until now. Also, if them stepping up their marketing locally means that there's even a small chance that SF will react to retain local market share, let the games begin.
  4. A few takeaways from Holiwood Nights- -We got extremely lucky with the weather. Stormed all day Saturday, leaving us stuck at the hotel until early evening, but completely clear Fri and Sat nights for ride time. High fives. -THANK YOU Holiday World for taking the MCBs off of the Voyage during ride time. We got one ride in on Saturday during normal hours with the brakes on, and it goes without saying what a difference it makes to the last half of the ride when those are off. A million thanks!! Side note- the first half is running amazing. So smooth, so fast, so much air. -The Legend- What a stark contrast between the GCI work and the original CCI track. There's literally no laterals anymore on the first drop, 'tunnel', and rise into the second hill. Seems a bit out of place on that ride, but it's hard to argue with how SMOOTH that section is now. So much more rideable. Same with the end of the ride- laterals are gone, but it still carries a fun punch into the brakes.
  5. This made me smile. Love hearing someone fall in love with this ride the way I did. For the amount of complaining you hear about this ride, you'd think it was designed for the seventh layer of hell. Every time I hop in my magic seat- front row of the last car- I'm reminded how far the Voyage excels above any other traditional woodie. Sits right at the top of my favorites list with Outlaw Run and El Toro- I refuse to compare the three with each other, and decided that they all win 'best in show'. In regards to quantity of air, laterals, and sustained intensity though, Sinead said it best- "nothing compares...".
  6. I'm reasonably certain there is A/C in that station, just not turned on yet. It's just one of those weird weekends where it was almost hot enough for a lot of things. Rode Tsunami Soaker for the first time, and I'll just go ahead and say it - if you don't like this ride, you hate fun. Exceptions made for anyone that just doesn't like water rides (but I question your sanity in St. Louis summers). Also, history question - what was on the little island before Mr. Freeze was installed? It's such a weird size. Nothing, if I'm not mistaken. I know there was some jungle cruise knock off in the days before Thunder river, so maybe they had some themeing along the banks, but as far as I remember it was always unused and overgrown.
  7. This is why I like SDC so much. All that food, and you never really gain weight because you spend your day climbing up and down the mountain. Except for my last visit, where I sent my friend on multiple skillet runs while I marathoned on Outlaw Run. Not ashamed.
  8. I have Cedar Point dreams sporadically, but they're always kind of avant garde and the park never looks the same as it does in real life. Last time, Millennium Force was where Magnum was, and aside from the lift hill, the rest of the ride looked strange and cartoony. The sky was all apocalyptic and you had to take the outer road around to it, because apparently it was a separate attraction. And then, of course, the Erie winds blew it right out into the lake and my friends got all pissed at ME because they really wanted to ride it. The end.
  9. @viking86- You're right, didn't even catch that. So at what point is it fair to say "I know about safety standards and the copious amount of testing done to rides, but this ride in particular is obviously old, falling apart, and I don't want to be the next victim"?
  10. ELI5- What is likely happening with the 4th car. Is this an actual derailment? Someone mentioned brake fins but I guess I don't get how that could be strong enough to do THAT.
  11. Nothing's sexier than a floating Beetlejuice head on... Goliath?...
  12. Thank you for this. I wish more people would embrace their stereotypes. I'm German/Jewish, and I'm always conflicted about wanting to throw myself in an oven. But I've come to terms with it, and I'm OK now. Oh my god, you went there
  13. I'm kinda stoked about this alpine coaster, never ridden one before. I'm gonna try really hard to not perpetuate the asian female stereotype, but let's keep it real- the chances of me driving full speed into the back of someone are pretty high.
  14. Absolutely. Once they hear that it takes one highway and a rural route to get there, it's an easy sell. The billboard advertising all of the freebies is the winner to me. It probably goes without saying that our city feels a bit 'nickel and dimed' by our local park.
  15. I've counted at least 4 HW billboards driving around downtown St Louis so far. Grabbing that StL market, I love it! Already getting calls from friends who've never heard of it but are ready to go. ::build it and they will come::
  16. Would love to see them redo the lapbars for Magnum as well. I enjoy the back seat and I really try to tough it out for the front seat views but those last hills are ignorant.
  17. I couldn't agree more! 2016 is the best year the park has had in several seasons as far as new additions and attractions! I'm so so so looking forward to HITP!!!! I'm really glad HITP is happening as well. I always thought it stayed relatively warm enough through New Year's to make something like that happen here in StL. For real, was it Thanksgiving or Christmas last year that it was around 70 during the day? Regardless, I think it could be a real hit here. Haven't been to any of the other SF parks for their's, so what all does it entail? I'm guessing lots of lights, rides when the weather's cooperating... anything else?
  18. Well as the Cult of Skank Mountain (I'm in it ) knows, it's all possible I most definitely smacked a support with my hand on WDW's Space Mountain. Not on purpose, and it did not feel good at all. Not sure how fast you have to be going or what kind of force needs to be exerted to decapitate someone though.
  19. ^This guy gets it. Best ride ever. I really like the rides with those crazy ejector moments, but I think at the end of the day, I really prefer the kind of prolonged, zero-g first drops and hills. Back seat first drops like those on Millenium Force and Voyage just do it for me man. To me it's a little more nerve wracking.
  20. Why sell it? Now if they ever want to expand they will have to rebuy land. Short term gain, long term loss. There will be no rebuying that land. It is being used for a housing development. Why keep land that isnt being used or will not likely be used when you can sell it for cash for other projects. The park is not going to be in any danger of running out of land anytime soon they still have plenty left over. I'd be interested to see a map of what they currently own after the sale of that eastern chunk of land. I always wondered what the plan was gonna be if/when they decided to develop it. They only had that small strip of land by Tidal Wave to connect to the other property. Seems like the feng shui would've been thrown off. There was never any plan for that land.... a VERY long time ago there was thought, but thats about all it was. This discussion has been had many time on here before, but the reason a large expansion would or will never happen is one reason... COST. To run utilities, new sewer lines, infrastructure, pathways, and everything else even before rides would be well over $10 mil. Once you add a few rides and attractions, easily $30 mil... not going to happen. At best, i could POSSIBLY see the road that goes from Batman gate to Tidal Wave gate become a pathway expansion, but HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt that will ever happen. The only way the park would or will use that land is for a coaster.... and who says thats not already a possibility.... I suppose if they did it systematically- one ride at a time, sort of how Dollywood connected the two ends of that park- then maybe it could work, but yeah, I hadn't really thought of the cost or ambitiousness of an undertaking of that sort. I was thinking more about park layout and traffic flow.
  21. Why sell it? Now if they ever want to expand they will have to rebuy land. Short term gain, long term loss. There will be no rebuying that land. It is being used for a housing development. Why keep land that isnt being used or will not likely be used when you can sell it for cash for other projects. The park is not going to be in any danger of running out of land anytime soon they still have plenty left over. I'd be interested to see a map of what they currently own after the sale of that eastern chunk of land. I always wondered what the plan was gonna be if/when they decided to develop it. They only had that small strip of land by Tidal Wave to connect to the other property. Seems like the feng shui would've been thrown off.
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