The outside seats on X2 can be very rough, but I've found the inside seats to be much smoother and not painful most of the time. I can be luck of the draw though too. I've had smooth, non-painful rides on the outside sometimes too. I do plan to sit on the inside from now on since it is very rare for me to have any problems on the inside seats. As long as I don't have any headbanging I can ride X2 multiple times in a row. I have rode it 2-4 times in a row (with no line) many times. On Season Pass Appreciation Day last September I rode it 10 times in one hour with no issues then rode it 4 times in a row later that night with no issues again. I don't have any trouble riding Tatsu multiple times either. I have rode Tatsu 3-5 times in a row, on many visits, with no line, and didn't have any problems on it either.