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Everything posted by Ian_D

  1. Finally made it to Busch Gardens Tampa and Animal Kingdom, so got to experience some classics! Also made it to Cedar Point/KI and got a roll back on Dragster. Not a bad year! 1. Top Thrill Dragster (with roll back) 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Kumba 5. Montu 6. Expedition Everest 7. Banshee 8. Raptor (without trim break) 9. Beast 10. Leviathan
  2. True! The tables outside at Fridays are pretty good, but they can do better. Let's not forget they put in the swim up bar in the waterpark this year! Did anyone visit that this year/take pictures? Let's see em Oh man, the swim up bar at Cedar Point Shores is so good! There's no children allowed and they ID everyone going in. It's right on the water and has a great view of Magnum's turnaround. They sell beer and mixed drinks. Our crew had quite a few margaritas! Best place to take a break from the park in the middle of the day, cool down and have some drinks.
  3. Doesn't Sky Rocket (and all its derivatives) have a 54" height requirement? That wouldn't really be all that kid-friendly at all. :/ Oh I guess you're right! It has a 52" height requirement. Then I would change it to a small kid-friendly Premier launched coaster with a 48" height requirement that had a similar footprint and corkscrewed over the midway. haha
  4. It would be cool if Cedar Point replaced Corkscrew with a Premier launched coaster similar to Sky Rocket at Kennywood that also corkscrewed over the midway. Would be a nice way to modernize and still keep kid friendly.
  5. Looks like I'll be able to make it this year!
  6. I usually have realistic expectations for coasters and rarely get disappointed. The only coaster that left me me feeling disappointed recently was Goliath at SF Great America. It was probably due to having ridden Outlaw Run the following year and being blown away by how out of control it was. Goliath felt more like a steel looper rather than a wooden coaster. While it was still a great ride, I felt like it didn't live up to the hype.
  7. I did both and it was awesome. So glad you're doing a trip report! Great start!
  8. Thanks Bas! Glad to hear that it won't be very crowded. Really looking forward to this park!
  9. Hey guys! My bf and I are going to Amsterdam this week for vacation. I have convinced him to go to Efteling even though he is not a very big coaster enthusiast. We're looking to go on Tuesday, September 2nd, which should be a good day as Dutch kids are back in school. The park is open from 10am-6pm. I know that it is a fairly spread-out park. As someone who has been to the park multiple times, is there a plan of attack that would enable us to get all the credits? Also it looks like they have some crazy dark rides. Are there any that are "Do Not Miss"? Any advice would be much appreciated!
  10. There are also food options outside of the park across Jane St. There is St. Louis Wings, a greek restaurant and a Subway. Whenever I go to Wonderland, I usually go to St. Louis for wings and beer. It's a 10 minute walk from the front gate and definitely beats park food.
  11. After riding Banshee, I hope that Ziz is a B&M invert rather than a wing rider.
  12. Depending how hot it is, you may not need a flash pass. If I remember correctly from the TPR tour, most of the people were at the waterpark as it was so hot outside. All of the rides were walk-ons. I would definitely wait and see when you get there. Fiesta Texas is a beautiful park. I definitely want to go back someday. Especially since iRat was closed during our visit. Out of all the coasters besides iRat, I would say Goliath (one of the best batman clones), Superman, Poltergeist and Road Runner Express (a fairly intense mine train) are not to be missed. Also do not miss the "Texas-themed" laser show at the end of the night. It's really good. Have fun!
  13. Signed up for both Mini New Hotness and Mini East Coast. Can't wait!
  14. I voted for Option #2. The design looks cleaner and I like the larger photos for the features. I would be happy with option#1 as well. The twitter feed is cool. My only comment is the font used for the menu bar. Maybe it's my computer, but it doesn't match the font used for "Official TPR Updates" and "Theme Park News". Looks a bit out of place.
  15. This pretty much sums it up! Great trip report as always. Six Flags Great America was a highlight of the trip for me. If only the other Six Flags parks had this kind atmosphere and charm.
  16. Awesome trip report so far! Can't wait to see the rest!
  17. Awesome trip report so far Marcel! Am having Congo River flashbacks.
  18. This looks awesome! I'm going to sign up for Canada's Wonderland.
  19. I didn't think it was possible to be even more excited about the Scandi trip. This ride looks fantastic!
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