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Skycoastin Steve

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Everything posted by Skycoastin Steve

  1. It's not just the KD woodies, it's basically every woodie on the planet that runs with PTC's. There are a few exceptions, of course, but a large majority of them are astronomically more enjoyable if you don't sit on a wheel seat. Anyone claiming to be an enthusiast should at least be aware of the difference between wheel seats and non wheel seats on PTC trains. And that is what we call common sense. Edit: And just because a coaster train has a "special" seat or row that provides a better ride doesn't mean it's a bad ride. Phoenix is AMAZING in the 3rd row (a wheel seat, how ironic), as is Magnum. Grizzly and several other woodies are fantastic in the "magic PTC seat," which is the front row of the back car, most B&M hypers are best in the back row, and if you want to get REALLY specific, Apollo is insane in the back right seat. None of those are bad rides because they have a row/seat that provides the best ride experience.
  2. If any of you is riding a woodie at KD on a wheel seat, you have no ground to stand on by complaining that they're rough. Use some common sense and don't sit on wheel seats and it'll never be a problem. The 2nd last row on Grizzly is amazingly smooth every single time.
  3. ^Believe me, I know it wasn't a serious post. It just wasn't funny, not even a little bit.
  4. This might be the worst post in TPR history, and that's saying a lot. It's certainly the worst in this thread's history, and given the crap that's been thrown up the last few weeks, that's also saying a lot.
  5. Hold up, what? Do you have a source for this? I'd love one last black and blue ribs moment. http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1211119#p1211119
  6. I know a mod said nip it in the bud, and I won't go further than this, but
  7. Instead of the water challenge, the Double Down on the Double Down challenge?
  8. Or how about the fact that KK is by FAR the worst coaster of the four?
  9. Pretty much. My one ride was in the front row and it was still brutal. I definitely remember covering my ears about halfway up. If the ride wasn't beating your bones to powder, it was shattering your ear drums. It was a lose-lose ride.
  10. I'm insanely jealous of your ghetto Kansas carnival/4H fair credit. Amazing looking place!
  11. Colossos is now the tallest wooden coaster, El Toro is the fastest with the biggest drop, and Voyage is the longest with a single lift hill.
  12. The one time I rode it in 2007 (post loop) was one of the most brutal rides I've ever had, and that was in the front row, too. Great first drop, but the rest of the ride was garbage. It's about time.
  13. ^From what I understand, Steel Dragon 2000 can have two trains on the lift at the same time. And I think Space Mountain can, as well?
  14. Can we put the last 10 pages of "name guesses" from the CP thread in here?
  15. That turn on Skyrush isn't even on the same planet as the first turn on 305. It was good, but the turn on 305 has literally made me almost 100% lose consciousness on a hot day.
  16. ^Yeah, but how many of those were used for brand new rides at CP? That's what I thought.
  17. ^With embedding Youtube videos on here, you have to erase everything in the URL from the & to the end, then it will work!
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