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Posts posted by Rollerman87

  1. ^That's the great thing about SoCal. There's literally a park for everyone. You've got Disneyland for the little ones, Knott's for the Tweens and Families, and SFMM for the teens and thrill seekers. For USH, it's again for the whole family, but on a different level. It is a tourist type park, yes, but also a park you would visit about once every two years or so to catch up on all the minor and major changes. Heck, since I've been there, The Horror maze changed, Whoopi and the stupid Fast Furious thing appeared on the tram, and the Simpson's Ride opened. Oh, and the Universal Experience too.


    It is a park of a change and of wonder. But yeah, for a bit of people, it doesn't have 50 rides, so it's not a grabber.

  2. First, I searched and could find nothing on even the topic of Fahrenheit. I know, weird. Second, I hope I'm posting in the right section. If I am not, I sincerely apologize.


    OK, so I've been checking out the new coaster at Hershey Park. All of you know which one (Farenheit if you didn't know ). I keep reading about the inversion after the cobra roll as being some sort of s-roll. I've watched videos and whatnot and am really confused. From what I see, the element is a more stretched corkscrew. Can anyone explain why they are labeling it as an s-roll and not just a corkscrew? (rcdb labels it as a corkscrew, while the official site labels it an s-roll)

  3. ^I must say thank you. I honestly don't know whether I've done any bashing on the park (I sure hope I didn't), but I love that park. I love seeing the improvements and seeing a changed park. I just hope they can turn their rep around about the gang violence. Personally, I've only seen anything close to that once in my good 15 or so visits to SFMM (Mind you, I started going in 2002). No matter how much "Family Friendly" things they do, if they can't turn that rep around, we won't see an increase.


    SFMM has come a long way, but they still have a very long way to go.

  4. As for the trash can issue, there are plenty of parks that manage to stay clean without installing one trash can for every guest. Us Ohio people must be pretty sad if we can't be bothered to walk more than 5 feet to throw something away.


    Nah,it's not Ohio, it's Cedar Fair. You ever see a TPR for Knott's here in Cali? The trashcans are just as bad. I think CF feels people are too lazy to walk that extra five feet to throw some trash away. Stupid lazy American fast lards




    Cedar Fair cuts down trees, sometimes to install new rides and sometimes for no reason at all.


    Six Flags tears down rides, sometimes to install new rides and sometimes for no reason at all.


    I'll take less trees, thank you.


    Honestly, I'd rather them take down rides than trees. Yes, we enthusiasts cannot live without the rush we get from rides, but we humans can not live period without trees that produce breathable air. Plus, I'll take trees over concrete anytime.

  5. Wow, that's probably one of the dumbest things I've ever heard from the General Public.


    EDIT: Here's what I got from a POV of milennium force on youtube (No offence to anyone)

    --------- (54 minutes ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam what about the Beast


    ---------- (19 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam so flight of fear is against the law since it has inversions yet it has a lap bar(used to have otsrs) otsrs are used for random coasters to let you have less airtime

    --------- (19 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam no son of beast got its removed last year

    -------- (19 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam and do you have a 310 foot tall coaster that doesnt hurt you? i dont think you do

    --------- (1 week ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam I had the same seat you had!

    --------- (1 week ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply | Spam good thing this ride's smooth...

    --------- (1 week ago) Show Hide -1 Marked as spam Reply | Spam mind bender at sfog has inversions and u dont have over the shoulder restraints

    --------- (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam i love cedar point!!!!! go there like 4 times a year!!! best ride!

    --------- (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam to --------- no you dont need shoulder restraints if there are inversions. take the ride scorpian at busch gardans for example. there is a loop but they only have a lap bar

    Rct3man777 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam P.S Nerd and proud. Lol.

    Next Pages: 1 2 3 ...

    --------- (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam to -------- no you dont need shoulder restraints if there are inversions. take the ride scorpian at busch gardans for example. there is a loop but they only have a lap bar

    --------- (3 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam the reason they didnt put any loops on mf is because then by law, you have to have over the shoulder restraints

    Rct3man777 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply | Spam You don't need over the shoulder restraints by law, dude...who the hell told you that?


    ---------(2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam where do u get your info from? you do need otsr if there r any inversions

    Rct3man777 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam I get my info from rollercoaster nerds like me. There's a thing in this world called "G-force" you know. OSTRs are just meant to make you feel safe.

    Rct3man777 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam P.S Nerd and proud. Lol.


    -------- (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam um...w/e but ive checked multiple places and they all say you need them to have inversions...and ive heard of g forces...anyone who knows anything about roller coasters knows about g forces...im smart but not a nerd...however i knew more about rollercoasters and cedar point than a ride op did...u can believe what u want but i know im right...google it

    --------- (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam dude, the Beast and the Son of Beast have loops and dont have Shoulder restraints... at least that is what i think.



    This is really freakin funny. The only law for OTSRs are the laws of physics And of course, it helps idiots like those go on some of 'em. Really, if you think about it, they can take the OTSRs of a number of rides and be fine. Gotta love when GP try and argue with you.

  6. After that we rode Batman. I don't what it is, but something about that ride is causing it to be more forceful than normal, and I love it-so much I came to blacking out in the first vertical loop.


    Next was the Batman stunt show. I personally don't care for it my my girlfriend seems to like it, and judging the applause Batman got everytime he swung in, no one else shared my opinion. So be it. everything isn't for everybody, so If they like it, let them have it.


    I've noticed that Batman seems different as well. When last I rode it (about a month ago), I noticed you could heard the wheels jolting a little bit. It was kinda creepy as you're sitting there going "please don't derail, please don't derail."


    And yeah, the normal GP love the Batman stunt shows, but I've found them to be super cheesy. Although, I must say, when I saw the Batman Begins stunt show, they had a pretty close look alike for the part where he's going to Ra Al Ghul. For a sec, I actually thought it was Christian Bale

  7. That's cool what they did with the Bates thing. They need to update that tour though. But, hopefully they are with the King Kong attraction gone. Is the stupid spinning tunnel of doom for the Mummy still at the end?


    And no Horror maze? Last time I was there was the first year they brought HHN there. The Van Helsing turned Horror maze sucked balls. I want to check out the new one though.


    And, quick question, does Whoopie just replace Ron Howard, or does she actually do more of the narrating?

  8. I have two.


    Scream! at SFMM- the small drop is a kinda fun, and it offers a great view of the cobra roll, and vast stretch of parking lot


    Dominator at (now defunct) Geauga Lake- I like the little s-bend it has, and going through the bushes like that. It really made the pre-lift seem longer.


    Yes, both are floorless


    Yeah, when I worked on Millennium Force, I was sitting at the entrance one day (which is right next to the enormous Millennium Force sign) and somebody asked me what ride it was.


    Also while sitting at the MF entrance, I had somebody come up to me and ask me if MF was "that one" (pointing to Top Thrill Dragster). If you've ever been to the park or seen the pictures, you know why that is so strange and funny.


    Those were the times when I really had to refrain from giving the person a funny look and saying, "You're screwing with me, aren't you?"


    Wow, now I know GP can be kinda ignorant, but TTD is clear on the other side of the park, and isn't "The Blue Demon." And, as for Mr. "which ride is it", man, you wonder why maps were ever printed.


    And my weird things (future) GP said:


    I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and told her I went on X2. She told me she was going to SFMM in August. I told her to definitely get on X. She replied,


    "Which one, X1 or X2?"


    Damn those stupid commercials that label X2 as "the all new X2."

  10. It's great that all you Enthusiasts have $200 to wave around. For an upcoming college student like me, $200 dollars would kill my budget, Heck, I only own the regualr Play Pass because I just don't have that kind of money.


    Plus, you guys are looking at everything IN THE PARK. Another issue everyone is leaving out is gas and essentials. I mean, I'm guessing it would cost me a good amount of money to fill my 99 Escort up to make the round trip to the park. I have not driven there yet, so it's not proven. And I live in the Long Beach area, so it's about an hour drive. And really, if it ever came down to it, I would never, ever decide between paying for bills (of course, don't have any yet ) and buying a play pass. I know a lot of people wouldn't, especially GP.

  11. I will be going to SFMM on a Thrusday this month. If I get there a half hour before opening will I make it to X2 in time for a 5-10 min wait or will I be stuck w/a 3 hour wait if I don't get there fast enough?


    Honestly, it depends. As you've heard from a few of us, they haven't opened X2 at opening all the time. Two weeks ago, when I was there, they didn't open X2 until midday on both Saturday or Sunday. But hey, you may get lucky. Good luck on the Bull Run

  12. ^ Well said, and congratulations.


    Is SFMM perfect? Hell no. Are they trying though? Yes. Some of us want everything to be super perfect. Well, I got news for you. Even with Knott's millions of CF brand trash cans, PEOPLE will still litter, and the park may still look messy for a bit.


    Let's all give SFMM a break, and see what happens with this death at SFOG and how it affects our park.

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