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Everything posted by jkwan

  1. Hey, does any one know if Dollywood would be packed on the last weekend of May? Because that's when I think I'm going and I've haven't been in many years and it looks like they added some new rides so I'm stoked.
  2. Holy crap I've actually been to that Happy Valley park but I only got to go on that yellow Vekoma coaster and the hunted house that scared the crap out of me And I think that I've been to that Dream World park too but the only rides I remember riding was the vekoma swinging coaster, the hunted house, and the cable cars And I've also been to Disneyland Hong Kong and Ocean Park but in Disney I really didn't feel like I was in Disney but I never really appreciated Ocean Park until I became a member of this site. Maybe because I've been going there ever since I was little
  3. Man I work as a wave pool lifeguard at six flags white water in Georgia and those lifeguards look like they have it easy
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