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Posts posted by nagro5
Great video! It looks like you guys had a total BLAST. That mirror maze looks freaking amazing, and just looking at the bouncy bouncy ride makes me want to go Wahoo!
^McDonalds gives me gas!
When was the last time you went out of state?
Oooooooo. Ahhhhhhhhh.
I've got to say, X2 is looking pretty beastly! I thought the the trains would look ugly on the track, but when I saw these pics I was amazed how well they look together. I can't wait until it opens.
I hate how people think that older means more mature. It's not the operators fault that the accident happened and it isn't their fault that they didn't e-stop the ride either. He didn't know how to stop the ride because of bad training . Having older operators won't help if they're still trained improperly. Instead of setting an age limit to operate a ride, the state should set guidelines for training.
For sure:
-Magic Springs
-Six Flags Magic Mountain
-Hard Rock Park
-Six Flags Over Texas
-Six Flags St. Louis
Ya see, friends are like slinkys. Why you ask? Because when you push them down some stairs they'll always put a smile on your face.
The first time I rode Top Thrill Dragster I was scared to death. We got in the station and I told my mom to put her hand on my heart so she could feel how hard it was thumping. We pulled out into the launch platform and I was shaking like crazy. We launched, and I was gritting my teeth as hard as I could. It was all over like that, so I don't know why I was so scared.
I think that a Dark Knight would fit in just fine at Magic Mountain as long as it was in Gotham City.
For those of you that don't think it'll fit, you don't have to worry about it because they already said that they weren't getting one.
^That's just plain cruel, but still funny!
My funny experience was when I rode Top Thrill Dragster. We rode it at night, and I told my dad that I was going to hold my hands up. So we got into the train (which was splattered with bugs) and we pulled foward into the launch platform. I decided to hold my hand in front of my face so I wouldn't get bugs in my eye. We launched and the first picture snapped. I had a big smille on my face, but as we went up the tower I got a HUGE cramp in my hip! We twisted down down and the second picture snapped. The smile wasn't on my face anymore, and my hand was on my hip. I looked more like I was being torchured. We pulled into the unloading station and the worker said, "Welcome back riders! How was you ride?" My dad said, "Tasty!" and I screamed, "Get me off!" Now I know why they say arms down, head back, and hold on. When we saw my picture we laughed our faces off. It was so funny.
Yes, but only because I took keyboarding in seventh grade.
Do you have a glass eye?
^^Aparentally I'm not the only one that gets hit by things that my teacher throws. Have you had him/her throw batterys or ice cubes at you? Well, I have!
One day I'll get revenge! Muhahaha!
^^Why was it not any good?
My lunch lady throws up rainbows!
I just watched Dusturbia tonight. I'm not a big fan of scary movies, but this one didn't scare me as much as it could have (which is probably why I liked it).
Thanks Amanda. I'm so bummed that X2 won't be open, because last time I went I didn't get to ride it either . At least the museum up at Sky Tower is planned to be open. If anybody has any other tips I would greatly appreciate it.
I cant belive that they are already testing! It seems like yesterday that they were just starting to repaint it. My little X ummmm, I mean X2 is growing up so fast . I can't wait until opening day!
I'm going in two weeks. Mabey at the pace that they're moving at they'll have it open by then. Probably not, but I can dream!
^^ I have a feeling that this is going to be a huge hit because, for the older visitors, it will bring back memories, but the younger ones can have some fun learning about how the park evolved. They will have a new reason to visit Sky Tower (besides the view) and it will cost the park bearly anything. I know that I'll have a great time up there when I visit on Easter Sunday.
Does anyone know where X2's tunnel going to be?
I think that what PURE said would probably be the best bet. I recall reading somewhere that they could have up to four tunnels, but until it is announced I would think that where the evacuation platforms are would be the best place to put them. But I can't jump to any conclusion right now.
^Call me immature but..... HA HA you said anal! Okay now I'm done.
Me being the reality show freak that I am decided to start a topic about the show American Idol. What do you think about this season, who do you think is is best, ect. I'm interested about what you guys think.
I have a feeling that project is going to be a thorn in the side of the park's best efforts this season.
Can you clarify on this because I don't understand why you said that.
^Exactly! I don't think that you should turn costomers away just because of their age. Just like I don't think you should turn people away because of their sex, race, ect. I obey the park rules, because if I don't, I know I'll get thrown out of the park. Just because people are younger dosen't mean that they are less mature than others.
I don't think that they would test the old trains, and I can't think of a reason that they would.
If they really were testing the new trains, how did they look on the red track? I thought that the blue seats would stick out like a sore thumb, but not in a good way though.
Photo TR: Sean & Allison @ West Coast Bash 2008
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
"Six Flags was also willing to tell us that within their current five year plan, they are hoping to get a replacement drop ride."
Yea! It's great that they're going to add a new flat, and it's even better that it's going to be a drop tower. I'm glad to think that sometime within the next five years we can expect some airtime in SFMM.