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Posts posted by nagro5

  1. I didn't play the the 3 Point Challenge, but my friend did. There was only four people in line so he thought he'd give it a go. He paid his $10 and started to shoot. I don't remember how much time they give you but it's not a lot. Well anyway, he only made two out of fifteen shots. He said that it was a lot harder with all the people watching. The next guy that went up broke the record for the day with twelve out of fifteen shots! I have a video of my friend playing if y'all want me to post it (and if someone will tell me how).


    The 3 Point Challenge was a great add, and is sure to bring in money. Hey, $40 was made in the five minutes that I was near it. It was a good idea to put that in! It's a real crowd pleaser.

  2. No I can't relate, but I'm sure that many people would. I don't know if I'm being stereotypical, but it seems like a lot of people over there in Cali are interested in healthier options like a veggie burger or turkey burger. I personally prefer a turkey burger over a regular hamburger. I already know that Six Flags is doing something to make their meals more healthy, but I agree that they aren't doing anything for vegetarians.

  3. The park looks fun, and in a few years could turn out to be a great park. It depends on what choices the management makes though. I hope they don't let things get run down like the old Six Flags did.


    Oh no, PLEASE tell me that they are going to do something special with that carnie coaster! If they don't I'll be really mad with just a big metal eyesore in an okay kids area.


    It's nice to hear that the food is delicious yet afordable too. Was it as good as the food at Hard Rock Cafe?


    Right now the park looks like a fun little park, but I think that if management makes the right decisions the park could turn out to be a fun park for familys and thrill seekers.

  4. I hate Arkansas Comprehensive Testing, Assessment, and Accountability Program, a.k.a. ACTAAP or Benchmarks. I've been testing since Monday and I have to go until Thursday. It's so boring because you're sitting there for twenty minutes doing nothing after you're done with a section. So far I've had to do: four reading passage paragraphs, two multiple choice math sections, three open response math sections, and one essay. All of that and I'm only half way there! It's so boring! Ugh! Okay, that's the end of all my complaining.

  5. ^^^I don't think that they would take the whole parade from Six Flags Great Adventure and give it to SFNE. I think that they might take a little from the Six Flags Mexico and a little from Six Flags Great Adventure and have a small Glow in the Dark Parade at SFNE. Great Adventure and SF Mexico were the ones origanally planned to get the parade, so I think that they should get the majority of it. Don't quote me on that though because that's just what I think they should do.


    It kind of sucks to have a new coaster just taken away from us. I'm kind of curious what they will do. Will they sell it, send it to another park, open it in 2009? Only time will tell.

  6. Like a few days ago, it's storming like crazy. It kind of sucks because many parts of my state have been flooded for weeks. We had a tornado warning at school today, so they held us in our classes.


    We have strong to severe storms possible with hail, damaging wind and flooding. Thunderstorms will continue to develop and move across the state today with the possibility of tornadoes. Ugh! I'm so ready for the storms to be over with!

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