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Posts posted by nagro5
It seems like Tatsu has been miss shooting the station a lot lately. When I was there, they had to shut down the ride because of a miss shoot about three or four times. I wonder if anything is wrong with it.
I got a 16/20. That's good and all, but it was really easy. I mean, come on.
"Roller coasters are usually constructed from which two materials?" If anyone clicked anything but steel and wood, they should be shunned for life!
I don't think a rehab of Superman would be more than 10-15 million dollars considering the total cost of the ride in 96 was 20 million.
Well, when X was built it cost around 20 million and it's getting rehabed.
Shirt: blue AE shirt
Jeans: Levi blue jeans
Underwear: grey Tommy Hilfiger boxer shorts
This morning. I was a chocolate donut.
When was the last time you popped your knuckles?
I also think that an update like they did for X would be necessary. If they could find some way to conserve electricty it would help running costs a lot. I also think they should get new cars, and find some way to make them quieter.
I've been thinking. If Superman raced, wouldn't it hurt capacity. If one car was ready to launch but the other one wasn't, it would hold the other one up. Maybe if they get the new cars they can find some way to get more riders in one car. I guess that would help.
^Duh, because the Title Fairy is more fun!
That looks cool. To bad I will never be able to go there.
I hope it stays under the water longer than the one at Aquatica.
The new PHP based front page will have a random update section that changes everytime you refresh. This section will also include the 'best of' TPR updates and videos.
I like the random update idea. It will have people looking at past updates. You're doing a good job, and the front page looks great! It's new, but it still has the classic TPR feel. Awesome job! I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's all done.
I can't belive how much detail they they are putting into the theming! That combined with a great ride is the perfect combination.
Today. There are train tracks going straight through the busiest part of town. It's really stupid (not to mention annoying) because about every 15 min. another train passes by and blocks the road.
When was the last time you took you vitamins?
I like how some cites have things to click on at the top (like you do now), but they also have things to click on the left side of the screen. I like how it is divided into sections, but then those sections have different parts to them.
I hope that made since.
I have another suggestion for you. I think it would make the page look more even if you had the same amount of rows under the "Park News, Trip Reports, ect." as the "Theme Park Review Updates."
I work for my mom during the summer. I'm not really sure what I do though. She just tells me to do something and I do it. It's an easy job. I get paid minimum wage for it, but she doesn't take out any taxes.
Shirt: olive green Tatsu shirt from SFMM
Shorts: A&F cargo shorts
Shoes: white, brown, and tan Pumas
Sox: black Nike ankle socks
Underwear: black and blue Hanes boxer shorts
A bacon egg an cheese bagle without the bacon from Mcdonalds. It was around $2.
Five days ago.
When was the last time you clicked the "What's new" link at the top of the home page?
You know it! Oh, and don't forget abot American Eagle.
Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Look at what I just discovered!
Haha! It says kiss my booty!
Some people are just so stupid. A grown adult should know better than to act like that. If people would just chill out for a minute, and talk to the person, maybe things would have turned out better.
I don't know how to react to this. If their filters were working inproperly, and they knew that, then I would be able to see their point of view. If they just cought Norovirus, and are suing the company, that's just stupid. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Yeah, that's how they serve it at school.
Do you think that you are old.
I guessing that this was a carnival ride. I just don't trust those things. They don't seem safe. I hope everyone got out alright.
Day 2:
Okay It's late, and I don't feel like writing, so I'll let the pictures speak for themselfs.
We rode back to our car on the trolly. It's nice that they have a speaker on them. PEACE OUT!
I bought my shirt, and my dad bought a shirt and some sunglasses. I didn't know that they gave you a free thing of lip balm if you bought a pair of sunglasses.
They still need to change these also.
Ninja: 122 ft. tall. I think not.
This was in another window. Notice that it says "Opening SUMMER 2008"
This was in one of their windows. It was really cool to see the K'nex run.
I wanted to get a shirt, so we went into Flags.
They still need to change these signs.
X2 is going to be great!
Whoever said it was run down, here's proof that it's not.
Grand Carousel
This is what it looks like over there.
You can walk over this bridge or go through the cafe to get to the other side.
The Cyber Cafe is really neat. It's cool how you can check your e-mail, log on to TPR, ect.
The kids go crazy over these things.
You're doing it wrong! You throw pennies in there not credit cards!
I wonder how much money they make by the end of the year from this fountain.
This fountain is really beautyfull.
This used to be the Justice League Feast but they changed it to Johnny Rockets.
I've seen this somewhere before.
And if you look to you right you can see the spot where I puked my guts up last time I came.
There's not Dorito Syndrome here.
The queue lines need some cleaning up.
Hey, you can't fool me! It's a speaker.
I was bored in line, and I noticed that they still have the test colors for the lolipop sign on Superman.
After the show, we got in line for Goliath. The line was a lot longer than yesterday.
Only Six Flags!
I made a new friend!
After they were all done dancing they lined up for some photo ops.
Everybody that was watching it had a great time.
We were sitting down taking a rest when this came out.
It wasn't as good of a ride as yesterday, but it was still fun.
It's time to ride!
Oh, well ummmm..... THAT'S DISCUSTING! Whoever put gum on the camera must have been really immature.
I hope these misters come on when it gets hot. Because at SFStL I almost had a heat stroke in the tunnels for Batman.
Oh, so that's why!
There is another cop car. But wait, it's not is Gotham City.
"Don't be around when the fuzz shows up!"
What have they done? Oh wait it's the theming.
Well that just screwed it up!
Ahhhhhhhhh, how peacefull.
We've made it! It was a long walk, but totally worth it.
This part of Gotham City looks spiffy. They did a good job of making it look bad, if that makes sense.
This is one of the Metro's stations (and another random sleeping guy).
On the way to Batman I passed by the former spot of Spin Out. As you can see, it's completly gone now.
We got in line for Tatsu at just the right time. It broke down the train after us.
Hello Six Flags! I've missed you.
SeaWorld Orlando (SWO) Discussion Thread
in Theme Parks, Roller Coasters, & Donkeys!
The article has me stumped. I can't wait till we get some more information about the ride. Whatever it is, I hope that it's very unique.