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Posts posted by nagro5

  1. ^^We don't have an 8th grade graduation either. I'm in junior high (7th-9th grade) and the next time we graduate is in 12th grade. No need to be so harsh about it. He just thought that he'd share the honor to make a speech in front of his class with us.


    ^300 Kids is small to you? That's how many kids are in my school, and it's getting pretty packed!


    Anyway, the only thing that I would change in the speech is the "All in all" part. My teacher said to never use basic transitions. I'd try to use something more creative instead.


    It's a good speech, and I'm sure if we knew what you were talking about in it I'd be even better. You don't have to worry about that though. I'm sure the people in your school will know what you're talking about.

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