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About Splash_Mountain

  • Birthday 10/08/1989

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  1. I have a BMO MasterCard with a Whitecaps logo on it.
  2. Robb, I've had the title since like 2006 when I was going to Disney and I was trying to see if you had events planned and you guys weren't going to be around.
  3. Initially I thought it was an uncompleted water whip, but the amount of water between the platform and the land appears to be too narrow for the vehicles. Not sure if this next picture will help convey that better. Maybe the channel was enclosed I little after the bumper boats were added. I did not even notice the second possible water whip structure in the background until just now. I saw this and as the TPR guru of Calaway I thought I'd input. The bumper boats were there long before the actual addition of the platform to spray riders. They added it a few years ago when they did the expansion, they also had to replace the older boats and they added ones with water guns on them.
  4. Oh great title fairy, can you please change mine? I've been going to Cali in May and Robb and Elissa won't be for about 3 years.
  5. Haha, I bought tickets to MUSE in Calgary! They won't disappoint. I worked The Resistance Tour in 2010 and it was AMAZING.
  6. I've had to work 3 of the 4 acts in the Big 4. Metallica was a double show and was my first introduction to working metal shows. It went okay, until they thought someone had a gun in my section. Slayer/Megadeth was ONE show. Stupidest thing ever. Fans would run up to each other in the concourse and just started screaming SLAYER at each other as if they weren't gonna find another fan at a Slayer concert.
  7. I lie about it everytime. I know I shouldn't but it's a outdated policy. And regarding you guys talking bout the Red Cross and stuff. I've heard stuff like this. Friends also come up to me on occasion and register their issues with Blood Services. I've never REALLY had any issue with my donations in terms of a staff controlled issue. But if you think there is something I could help out and clarify let me know. We have alot of issues with retaining donors. We get a ton of people to come once, but it's getting them back that's the trick. Again, I'm a Donor Ambassador for Canadian Blood Services.
  8. What an incredible ship!! I've never been on a cruise before. If I had to pick, it'd be the Dream for sure.
  9. I'll stick to being heavily involved with Canadian Blood Services and the normal whole blood donations/volunteering. I won't even sign up for OneMatch which is like the stem cell/bone marrow thing. My fellow volunteer did it, and he had to take weird hormones and stuff which I think made alot of his hair fall out.
  10. I went back to page 106... and digging the love for LIGHTS. I got to meet her on the last headlining tour she did. It was a dream came true and she gave me a big giant hug when I told her how happy I was to meet her.
  11. So far, there's not a heck of alot announced for my work. I work at the Saddledome in Calgary. Kinda of disappointing. The two biggest things coming are in July and it's Katy Perry & NKOTBSB. I'm REALLY hoping to go to Taylor Swift's Speak Now tour. It's supposed to be coming to Edmonton in August, but the only place it's listed is her website and Ticketmaster has ZERO on-sale info about it.
  12. Well, to be fair, that exactly what we tried to do with that last set of photos. But there only seems to be one person even trying so far. So what do you guys want? Confusing photos, or should we just stop where we are at and declare a winner? --Robb "It stops being fun for us when everyone stops playing." Alvey I think the trick with this is, finding the correct amount of difficulty. I don't know how easy that becomes in a place like Dubai though
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