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  1. Thank you for finding this its really cool. But ToT got really confusing for me too, I didn't even know what the heck I was doing thanks agin.
  2. I found a pov video of that Vekoma tiltcoaster i thought it is very cool.http://youtube.com/watch?v=NLJKF5XH8wM
  3. Oh! ok ya thats a good idea but for some reason the auto-import never works when I try to install it it never shows up in the folders is suppososed to do that or no?
  4. Very Nice coaster may i ask what set did you use for the transfer track area. Like all of those bars there.
  5. Yup this thing is going to be stuck in my head forever.
  6. My thoughts and faith also go to the ones who were lost on this this bus and there families will be ok.
  7. Man you are really good I tried making things like this but I fail.
  8. WOW this was a really good game.
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