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Manny In England

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Everything posted by Manny In England

  1. People would confuse it with the ever so popular "Pine and Apple coke" So, who dunnit?
  2. Can't tell, they move to quickly to be seen, which relates to my question. What secretly holds the land speed record?
  3. ^ Don't go back to lurking, looking at that post, you're a great member. You have opinions, which you put in the right thread, grammar and punctuation are good. Arguments only really start on hot topic issues, which he mods suppress for all the right reasons. Up to you.
  4. Dan / Robb, any chance we could get quotes of some of the best / most bizzare E-Mails in the thread? Obviously I should E--Mail this idea to Dan now.
  5. This does look like the wisest plan, I'm just glad the sport of E-mailing Dan finally has it's own dedicated thread.
  6. Oh yeah, just a little rare though. Is it even possible to win the "Yes or No" game once and for all?
  7. ^ I'm afraid, we're gonna need some proof of that. Better E-Mail Dan right now anyway, in order to save time.
  8. Very Rarely Are you satisfied with your job / school?
  9. I like the way this has changed subject to food.
  10. The same reason that they never brought out an actual facebook book. Where did all the pirates go?
  11. Spread our codes to the stars. You must rescue us all.
  12. ^ Hans Zimmer just kicks ass in every score he writes. Antwerpen - Enter Shikari
  13. You already asked that question in 20 years time. Who interrupts Kanye West?
  14. It's an alien signal designed to control the minds of wjoever may look upon it? Why doesn't Santa live somewhere less isolated?
  15. Because they needed an emergency backup product after there first ideas of selling poisonous snakes and diamonds fell through. Why did Atlantis sink?
  16. ^ That's not quite all, there should be a mandatory "!" at the end, they earned it.
  17. They do have a really distinctive sound, I wish they'd experimentwith it a bit more though. But then again I've only got like half their albums so, who kows, maybe they do. ^ And yeah, Resistance is a pretty sweet song.
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