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Everything posted by riccoaster

  1. I have, .Rct1,2,&3. .Tons of amusement park T-shirts. .Roller Coaster [wooden and steel coasters, twisters, and corkscrews]-David Bennett. .And last but not least, Roller Coasters-Scott Rutherford.
  2. i think the colors stand out too much cuse it doesnt really go with the park if you ask me i am just too used to the light blue color red just seems wrong for a ride that has freeze in its name if they change the color it should be lightish colors not dark
  3. XBOX 360 wth. Gears of war Call of duty 3 Test drive unlimited And Fear
  4. For texas id have to say texas giant and the rattler cuse it seems that they just keep getting worse through the years like they are'nt keeping up with them
  5. I rode the titan with my glasses on with high wind speeds and they stayed on the whole time
  6. iam Richard iam from texas and i live right next to six flags over texas and i go there alot. plus ive been to all the amusement parks in texas including astroworld and i have rode 50 diffrent coasters plus i love cars and video games
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