isnt it just so funny how little things like that can just bring back so much memories? I love seeing parks what they looked like back in the day, and how much they have changed.
What year was it taken out? I remember going to GA when i was little and riding Demon (my first coaster) and it wasnt there. They must have just removed it right when i went.
either that, or i just dont remember it being there.
^I didnt know that Triple Wheel used to be where Invertigo is now. Ive seen a lot of pictures of that ride, and i always wondered where it was located at.
Because Firehawk was...?
Exactly! GA was in desperate need of a new coaster..for YEARS. Kings Island ISNT. Firehawk just opened in in may of this year. GA hasnt had a coaster since March of 2001.
I think the same colors would be cool, it just definately needs to be re-painted.
I think its a good addition to this park. They dont even have a B&M so this works for them. well dang. Two years ago, who would have thought of Dominator going to PKD?