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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2024 in all areas

  1. Was there on Sunday/Monday. TT2 is insane going backwards and from what I'm hearing the silver train is the one that has shaky moments more than the other two trains. Sunday it broke down twice in line making a one hour wait closer to two and a half hours while Monday it didn't break down nearly as much and they pumped people through and didn't limit Fastlane riders to one ride like they were advertising a few weeks ago, though that might change later this year . This ride is easily top 4 in the park IMO and more reliable than Maverick or Steel Vengeance. It's also a better ride overall than its predecessor.
    2 points
  2. It is hard to tell Lawyers, Ride test brought things to light, Zamperla, Cedar point, Peoples inability to just be smart and put things away. I mean this thing is 420 feet and 120is MPH. Things happen. I wish TT2 lockers was my biggest worry in life. They saved this ride and have been getting great reviews, just go ride the thing and stop worrying about something you have no control.
    1 point
  3. ^ You know it's funny because I saw the vibration of the trains in the videos, but I honestly didn't even notice. Both of my rides were on the blue train and I was assigned row 7 and then 9 (second from the back). You do feel a little bit of a shuffle, but the original Dragster had some shuffling as well, so I don't think you'll have anything to worry about. (Not sure how the other trains are though, so don't hold me to that!) As for the lockers, I'd actually suggest renting one over at Magnum's entrance and then heading over to TT2. There should be less of a cluster of people just milling around not knowing how to operate the lockers, and retrieving things should also be way easier as I thought the TT2 locker area was a congested mess... and I went on a slow day!
    1 point
  4. I had the opportunity to experience the "new" Skyrush yesterday. Overall it is a BIG improvement! And that's coming from someone who wasn't really bothered too much by the original restraints. You can truly enjoy the drop and airtime now without your thighs taking a hit. For anyone who wasn't a fan before, I highly recommend riding again! This was an excellent move by the park and, to be honest, I'm still a little shocked they did it. Lots and lots of other parks would not invest in something like this without an obvious ROI. The updated airline/plane theming in the station is also a nice touch. Oh, and Wildcat is awesome too. It's right up there with my favorite RMCs like Iron Gwazi, ArieForce One, and Steel Vengeance. In my opinion Hersheypark now has the best and most diverse coaster lineup out there. There is truly a ride for every enthusiast's or general public's taste.
    1 point
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