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Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk (SCBB) Discussion Thread

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  • 4 weeks later...





"SANTA CRUZ -- At 2:40 p.m. Friday, the Boardwalk's Giant Dipper hosted its millionth rider of 2010.


"This is the first time we've broken a million since 2002," said Brigid Fuller, publicist for the Boardwalk.


The Boardwalk gave all 24 riders on the coaster that held the millionth passenger a commemorative coin, saltwater taffy and a free souvenir photo.


In order to reach the million-rider mark by 5 p.m. Friday, Boardwalk officials began offering a special deal last weekend, when they still were 11,000 riders short. For $5, the price of a single ride, visitors could ride the Giant Dipper as many times as they wanted.


In all. 58 million riders have braved The Giant Dipper's arches and drops since it first opened in 1924."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have any pictures of the new tower yet because that whole area is closed to the public until Saturday, February 12th when the park opens for full operation.


But I have taken a peek at the new tower --it's still a Moser Spring ride, as far as I can tell, and I'm pretty sure it seats 6 + 6, as opposed to 5 + 5 like the old one. Also, the tower is only a little bit taller than the old one, and I'm certain that most of the GP won't even notice that it's a new ride


I'll try to get a picture of it ASAP

Edited by sfmman2000
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  sfmman2000 said:
I don't have any pictures of the new tower yet because that whole area is closed to the public until Saturday, February 12th when the park opens for full operation.


But I have taken a peek at the new tower --it's still a Moser Spring ride, as far as I can tell, and I'm pretty sure it seats 6 + 6, as opposed to 5 + 5 like the old one. Also, the tower is only a little bit taller than the old one, and I'm certain that most of the GP won't even notice that it's a new ride


I'll try to get a picture of it ASAP


A pic would be nice! I had a feeling it wouldn't be too different, but it's still a new ride nontheless. But the next thing to be taken down is the Hurricane (so I've heard)... That makes me nervous...

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But it's such a classic... I think... I mean, I always ride when I go... I just hope whatever replaces it will be a million times better... (not like the swap of Typhoon for the Sea Swings). I also heard Desperadoes is moving to the other side of the Fright Walk and something new will be put in it's place... But I have no idea how right that is... would you happen to know more about it?

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I don't know anything about where Desperados is going, except that is IS being either moved, taken away, or re-themed. I will let you know when I find out more.


Does anyone know the footprint of an El Loco? If so, we can (loosely) figure out if one would fit. Keep in mind that SCBB will soon be removing a group of buildings West of the Hurricane deck. This would free up space for something even bigger....


(soon to be removed building shown in purple)






EDIT: Corrected from East to West

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^Wouldn't that be West of Hurricane?


As for the new tower ride, I'm having trouble even remembering what the ride it would be replacing was called, or looked like. It hasn't been all that long since I was at SCBB, but I just can't place it. I mean, I know the area around Wipeout, but for the life of me I'm just drawing a blank on a Free Fall ride in that area. Do you maybe have a picture that shows the old ride?

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Wait... they're taking out that ENTIRE building? The one that has the Vault, the arcade, FrightWalk, Desperadoes, and the other games and restaurants? WOW... Well, that would mean an extention for the top deck, and more rides up there... but alas, I would miss ye olde Hurricane...


Would you know when construction will start? (Fall/Winter of this year, I'd presume...)

Also, would you know of any other plans they have for the New Haunted Castle ride? (maybe add that clock and spider from the old ride?)


sorry about all the questions...

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Well, I do know that the offices in the "purple" section that sfmman2000 highlighted will be moved down to the 1st and 2nd floors of the NEW Haunted Castle building. For props, some spiders were shown under the Boardwalk that they fabricated to be put in the new ride. As for the old clock and huge spider, I'll try to find out.



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I wonder if us "bigger kids" will be able to ride this new Free Fall... I never rode the old one because it looked too... well... for kids., but it still looked fun.


So I guess the new coaster is coming sooner than we think because of the building they're taking out... (I'm guessing they'll take it out fall or winter of this year). Hopefully the FrightWalk will return (maybe even more scarier?)


And on another note, I looked up MoserRidesi website and saw some pretty awesome rides that I hope the Boardwalk would take into consideration...




I personally like the Octopus ride in the "Art Projects" section...

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The old Freefall was actually quite enjoyable! IMO, it gave a better airtime feeling than Doubleshot.


I think it's safe bet that once the old building near Hurricane is demolished, we will soon see multiple new rides in that area. I'd like to see something tried and true such as a Screaming Swing or some other sort of 'spectacular' ride.

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Or even a WindeSeeler like Knott's Berry Farm is getting... Now that would be awesome up there! (then again, it might defeat the SeaSwings...)

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed for an awesome new coaster and a new thrill ride up there.




Here's a little something special the Boardwalk posted.


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