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BitterOldHag last won the day on October 31 2022

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  1. In case anyone was curious, Marineland has updated its website. Let's just say it looks like a massive "Geauga Lake-ing" is going on this season. Attractions include: Friendship Cove (beluga whales) Polar Splash (water splash pad area) And that's it. There is only one mention of amusement rides, and that is buried on the visitor information page, so since the park went through the effort to remove any pictures of the rides, this was most likely an oversight. On the plus side, admission is just $14.95 CAD and parking "is always free"...
  2. The "Zarantula"? I had no idea Zamperla had that in their catalog. Looks pretty cool, despite the OTSR's. Now you have me wondering as well!
  3. Great interview with Mr. Gorman. Waldameer is in good hands with him at the helm. So, new family ride in 2025. Seeing that the park has worked well with Zamperla, my guess is one of those Nebulaz or Windstarz rides that are popping up more and more. With Spider on its way out, maybe this is the plot the new ride will sit on? Regardless of what they add, it's great to see the park expanding and continuing to do well in a time where other smaller PA parks were not able to make it (Conneaut, Lakemont).
  4. Does anyone know if there was ever a Bayern Kurve in the US that ran at 70 mph? Seriously, that sounds illegal... but I'll be in line for it when it opens!
  5. Just had a “premium” time at Kings Dominion today. I sincerely hope the Six Flags era isn’t starting early. Took me 9.5 hours to get to Doswell from my place near Cleveland Hopkins airport. The number of crashes on I-495 and 95 is just mind boggling. Now I have not been to KD since 2009, and I have been visiting Kings Island numerous times a year since 2020, so for me, it was like walking into Bizarro Kings Island. I will say that KD’s International Street is really quite nice. The extra trees add a nice touch, and the fountain doesn’t seem to be as long, so it is much easier to traverse. I Got my FL wristband from a friendly girl at one of the gift shops inside the front gate, which saved me from having to wait in a rather large line at the “Upgrades” counter and headed to get the 3 credits I didn’t yet have. First stop, Twisted Timber (credit #277). Posted wait time for standby was 75+ minutes. Unfortunately the same prison-style shakedown in effect at Cedar Point’s Steel Vengeance is in effect here too. Also rather unfortunate- single train operations. My FastLane wait was 30 minutes, so I can only imagine what the standby wait was. My opinion of this ride is that it is completely insane. The first drop inversion was crazy and the constant airtime and quick direction changes made me completely forget this was once a Hurler. Good ride, and I was hoping to ride it again, but the line never seemed to die down. The main reason I wanted to visit KD was for Project 305 (credit #278), the lone North American giga I hadn’t yet ridden. One train ops here and about 4-5 minute dispatches resulted in a 30 minute FL wait here also. I was excited as the train climbed the 305 foot lift, and I was preparing for the much discussed grey out turn. And yes, it did indeed cause quite the vision blur! The rest of the ride is basically just high-speed s-turns, which is cool and very Maverick-esque, but as a whole, the ride just didn’t impress me. I’ll take Fury, Millennium Force and even Orion (I know, “not a giga” lol) over this any day. Since I had to pass Flight of Fear on the way out of P-305, and the posted wait time here was 75+ minutes, so I asked if it too was one train operations. the guy at the entrance said “no, two!”. So I figured I’d give it a whirl. 25 minutes later, I was boarding my train. The family behind me said they had waited 90 minutes. Ugh! Anyhow, I think this FoF is better than Kings Island’s as the train doesn’t sit on the mid-course for 5 seconds, and it seemed overall darker inside the spaghetti bowl, creating a very disorienting ride experience. Good stuff, but someone needs to turn the volume of the music and sound effects down a bit. It was truly ear splitting! My final new credit was Tumbili (#279), my first S&S free spin. Two cars were being used (not sure if there are any more) and the FastLane line was only 10 minutes, so that was a plus. I actually kind of liked this ride. I got 2 full (and very forceful) flips and while the ride is insanely short, it’s smooth and it made me smile after the park was kind of a let down thus far. Reptilian was closed when I first arrived, but it was open after I exited Tumbili. The app said a 60 minute wait, and the FastLane line looked like there was only about 20 people in it so I got in line. 40 minutes later, I was climbing aboard. One train ops and the limited capacity made this a slow moving line. Too bad because I absolutely love this ride. Why didn’t we get more Mack bobsleds in the States? Fast, smooth, and the second half feels like you’re going to slide ride out of the trough. Great ride, but that line… the standby line stretched way back to near Tumbili’s entrance. Yikes! The singing mushrooms never sang. Boo! I wrapped up my visit with a one cycle (FastLane) wait for Flying Eagles, which run VERY fast, and a walk-on FastLane ride on the Blue Ridge Tollway antique cars. This had to be the worst antique car ride I have ever done as the steering wheel did absolutely nothing. I bounced off the rail through the whole course. Other things that sort of irked me: Racer 75 had one train and one track operating. Grizzly’s line said <15 minutes on the app. The line stretched all the way to the gift shop with, yes, one train. Don’t think that was 15 minutes! Delirium, Anaconda, Backlot Stunt Coaster, Drop Tower, Windseeker, and the Log Flume were all down. There were no “merger people” for FastLane and ant Tumbili annd Reptilian, no one was even checking. And lines for food were just ridiculous. Yes, I know it was Good Friday and the weather was quite nice. But this was a pretty bad day all around and I sincerely felt sorry for people without FastLane as they probably didn’t get on much at all. So that’s my review of Kings Dominion. Doubt I’ll be heading back again anytime soon… and that’s a shame because it is a nice park that has a lot of good things going for it. Thanks for reading…
  6. Looks like they are adding some sort of Disk-o style ride called "Wave Twister" for 2025. This video (at 0:58) shows a very brief glimpse of what appears to be a rotating two armed ride vehicle with rotating seats that rock back and forth along the track. Edit: I saw on Twitter (which of course makes it true) that the ride is from RES
  7. It seems each summer I keep saying I am going to finally visit Coney Island and make stops at Rye Playland and American Dream. Obviously that hasn't happened, but based on Bill's (and others) comments, it sounds like I should just go to Coney Island. Oh, and maybe Adventureland to ride that bizarre RES Fireball "coaster"...
  8. I hope they roll these out at all CF parks this year. About time they had something like this!
  9. I thought it already had been closed... Regardless, whatever is left will be gone soon and in its place a shiny new music venue (which I thought was already something there, but again, shrug!) Coney Island to close permanently
  10. Been a few years, but according to the park’s facebook page and an email sent to Seabreeze passholders, the park will be installing a Zamperla Windstarz ride in 2024. Unfortunately, this new addition comes at the expense of the park’s Flying Scooters. . Nice to see the park adding something new though, and I have a feeling this ride will be well received by the family crowd that Seabreeze caters to. Seabreeze new Windstarz for 2024
  11. Apparently Primordial is now open to season pass holders: Primordial open i didn’t know it was going to be like a bigger version of Wonder Mountain’s Guardian, but that is what it sounds like based on the article. It’s been 11 years since my first and only visit to Lagoon. I loved the park and really enjoyed the SLC area. Guess I need to start saving!
  12. Tornado at Stricker's Grove. Who knew a wood coaster built in-house at a park that is only open to the public 4 days a year would have a jolt of airtime that will shock the heck out of any new rider? Definitely was not expecting that!
  13. If there was ever a time for the shrug emoji, this is definitely it. Tall enough for a 65 foot tall StarFlyer, but not for a slow-moving dark ride. Quite odd indeed. Nice TR. It's been 17 years since I have been to HW. I think I need to get back there again sometime soon.
  14. I just noticed that wooden "mine" coaster has what looks to be a spiral lift hill. Wonder if they would consider a Canadian Zambezi Zinger-type ride. Thinking about it, CW really needs a good wooden coaster. Both MineBuster and Wild Beast are horrendous, so something like this would probably be a welcome and popular addition. And to also add to what Bill said, why would they even consider turning Wonder Mountain, the park's longtime icon, into a Volcano-type ride? That looks hideous. At least with Vortex and WMG they aren't visible from International Street and don't interfere with the mountain's aesthetics. This would change the park forever, and honestly, I don't think in a good way. Just my two cents as usual.
  15. I absolutely love the on-board audio concept for the launched wing coaster. The options for Canadian music are endless. Corey Hart, Men Without Hats, Glass Tiger, The Tragically Hip, Alanis Morissette, Trans-X, Platinum Blonde... I guess you could throw Rush in there since they seemed to have a few hits over the years Just leave Nickelback out. Never got into them even before they were cool to hate!
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