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UK Trip 2006


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Hi Robb


Do you know what date's for what parks yet when you come over to England? The reason i ask is because i am hoping to come along to Thorpe Park when you do as im unable to get the whole time off when your over here. If you have already posted dates then im just useless at finding them and if you could point me in the right direction that would be great.


Looking forward to meeting lots of people its gonna be a day and im sure a trip to remember.




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Hi Robb


Do you know what date's for what parks yet when you come over to England? The reason i ask is because i am hoping to come along to Thorpe Park when you do as im unable to get the whole time off when your over here. If you have already posted dates then im just useless at finding them and if you could point me in the right direction that would be great.


Looking forward to meeting lots of people its gonna be a day and im sure a trip to remember.




Hi Rob/guys

Any chance you can PM me as soon as you know if you will be visiting Oakwood on your UK trip, as I would like to meet up with you guys, as I only live a few miles from the park

Ryan (Rough Rider)

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We have gotten a lot of requests from people who want to meet up, and that's fine. Just know that if you're not part of the official trip or add-on trip you won't be able to participate in any of the ERT sessions.


We're not making the itinerary public because we just won't be able to accommodate a large crowd showing up, and we'd feel bad having to turn people away from the park perks.


But please email us directly for more information if you'd like to meet up with us for a few rides during the operating day.



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