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Orlando Trip!


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Wow, I just found out that our family is going to Orlando this Spring Break as a surprise and my parents told me to work out all the theme park details. So why not go to TPR? We'll be going the third week of March and will be staying that whole week. We'll be staying at some military discount hotel. (Forgot the name) We can go to any park except Sea World.


So here's some questions:


1. How will the lines be?


2. Should Expedition Everest be open?


3. If EE's not open, would Animal Kingdom be the park to skip if you had to.


4. What Fast Passes should we buy(if any).


5. Is there any order that we should go to the parks.


6. Which one park would be worth two days.


I'll probably have more as it gets closer.

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1. How will the lines be?


2. Should Expedition Everest be open?


3. If EE's not open, would Animal Kingdom be the park to skip if you had to.


4. What Fast Passes should we buy(if any).


5. Is there any order that we should go to the parks.


6. Which one park would be worth two days.


1 - the lines will be horrific. utilize fastpass, and get to the parks 30 minutes before opening.


2- It may soft open. The grand opening is april, but I wouldn't be surprised if it has a soft opening for spring break.


3- It depends... if you are only going to disney parks, yes. If you're also visiting USO, I'd skip uso and go to IOA instead. Remember, you can park hop. Spend a half day at mgm, then head to AK, when ak closes head back to mgm.


4- Disney has free fastpassses. USO sells fastpasses, but you won't need them as much there.


5- Go to the magic kingdom on the least busy day. Epcot on the second busiest.


6- MK or Epcot.

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The lines will be INSANE. Mary had a conference in Orlando last March, so I went along to amuse myself at WDW, since their conference hotel was The Dolphin. I've never seen the park busier. Lines were crazy, fastpasses were usually for four or more hours after you got one (if they were not all sold out), and you could barely walk around. And this was on weekdays. I still managed to have fun, though I spent a lot of time standing in lines.


You must get to the parks at least 30 minutes before they open. The weekend before her conference, we went to IOA/USF. By getting there before opening, we managed to do every major attraction in IOA before Noon, then went over to USF for the rest of the day, skipping things with a long line until the next day, where we went to USF first. We managed to ride everything, some things multiple times (Mummy rules!). Had we gotten there after opening like almost everyone else does, we wouldn't have gotten nearly as many rides. We did not get express passes, but it's something to consider.


So the only advice i can give you is to get to the parks early, and know where you want to go and what you want to do beforehand. Having a plan when the parks are this busy will help you. Have fun!



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it depends when your spring break is, mine was the week after the high school spring break in orlando. I dont think we waited in any lines longer that fourty five minuets, i rode each dueling dragons track at least six or seven times durring the day at IOA. You should be fine at disney if you utilize the fast pass system. If you have never been try to hit up usf and ioa. When we went we went to magic kingdom and epcot for a whole day and we split up mgm and animal kingdom into one day. I felt that we should have gone to each disney park for a whole day except animal kingdom, but now that everest is going in you could probobly make a day out of it.

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Instead of making yet another orlando tips thread, I'm going to hijack this one for a minute and ask just a couple questions for my own trip in a few weeks.


My questions mainly revolve around roughness. I will be with my mother who has a hard time riding rough coasters. They usually leave her with pretty bad neck pain the rest of the day and into the next. So how bad is Gwazi and Python? What kind of rough are they? What about the Windstorm, is it very rough?

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Python is a pretty typical Arrow Corkscrew.


Gwazi has good and bad days. I would ride it before her and judge for yourself. You won't know how it's running until that day. Also stay away from Wheel seats!!!


Windstorm has the one insane part but other than that it's actually pretty good.

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So here's some questions:


1. How will the lines be?


2. Should Expedition Everest be open?


3. If EE's not open, would Animal Kingdom be the park to skip if you had to.


4. What Fast Passes should we buy(if any).


5. Is there any order that we should go to the parks.


6. Which one park would be worth two days.


I'll probably have more as it gets closer.


1. Well for one thing, do not excpect the lines to be empty. Spring Break is a heavy time for the parks.


2. Possibly some soft openings here and there.


3. Animal Kingdom is a so-so park, so you should, especially if you are going to other places like Universal Studios Orlando.


4. Fastpasses and Universal Express comes with the tickets, so no need to worry.


5. I say hit USF and IOA first. Then go to all the Disney parks after.


6. Possibly the Magick kingdom and Epcot, if you are planning to see everything.

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Hijiacking #2


Are there any seats on any rides (Universal, SeaWorld, BGT) that will make the experience significantly better, so much that I need to atually bother with specifically getting that seat? Or are the differences fairly insignificant on most of the rides?


Elissa and Robb, I know you guys have a restaurant that you particularly like at IOA, right? Or am I totally off? Well, if I'm right, what is it and what's the price range?


Thanks everybody.

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Try to ride Hulk up front at night. Totally awesome launching up a dark tube.


SheiKra in a 'big boy seat' (middle of row 2) for awesome floating air, and then again in the right side of the train in row 3 for the best ride, IMO.


Montu & Kumba in the back. Front on those two is always nice as well.


Other than that I don't really care myself, but try not to miss those IOA water rides


When are you going anyway? (knowing the answer is laying around here somewhere I still ask 'cause I'm lazy)

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Elissa and Robb, I know you guys have a restaurant that you particularly like at IOA, right? Or am I totally off? Well, if I'm right, what is it and what's the price range?


Mythos is the IOA restaurant. allears.net have menus, although the most recent is from October. The prices will be fairly consistent though I would have thought. http://allearsnet.com/uni/menu/men_myth.htm


I believe Erik Johnson photographed Mythos's menu in his recent IOA/Sea World PTR over on the donkey board too.

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^Thanks a lot Lou!


Hijacking #3


For all you water park goers, is Wet 'n' Wild worth it? It looks like a lot of fun, but i'm also not sure how warm it's going to be when I'm there. Keep in mind, that if I go, I'll probably have to visit this one alone. I'm not sure how many group slides and junk it has. Thanks again.

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