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Evacuating a flying coaster.

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  • 5 weeks later...

^ Call me crazy... but I don't see how letting one person off the ride at a time is any quicker or easier than swinging down the entire row and releasing all the restraints at once.


Then again, idk... obviously letting one person out at a time works... otherwise... why would they do it? Right...?

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^ Call me crazy... but I don't see how letting one person off the ride at a time is any quicker or easier than swinging down the entire row and releasing all the restraints at once.


Then again, idk... obviously letting one person out at a time works... otherwise... why would they do it? Right...?

The seats are individually unlocked because they each have such a complex restraint system, so lowering the chassis would just make things take longer because they would still have to unlock each seat. Also, in this situation I don't think it's possible to lower the chassis is being held in place by the sam, which obviously can't get to move.

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