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SFOG next week

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hey everybody, just felt like saying me and some friends are going to sfog next week, this was very unscheduled, i found out just today when my mom randomly said "we're going to six flags next week" i was like HO$HIT!!!


yea, that's about it...what's the next amusement park the rest of yall are goin to next?

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Uhhh, great for you I guess..........


I was really underwhelmed this year, it has been worse than the last few years, the employees seemed even more lethargic than in the past (which is saying a lot). This is coming from someone who has been 6-7 times in the past 4 months.


Basically, I have routine now:


Acro until there is a line (1-5)

Deja Vu until the line gets back to queue house (1-2)

GASM until I have to wait for a decent seat (any non-3rd row) (2-5)

S:UF if I really feel like it (1)

Mindbender (no line only) (1-2)

B:TR (1)

Scorcher (1)

Cyclone (2-5)


Usually I get about 15-20 rides in before 12:30 and leave, as it gets hot and the lines get ridiculous after 1-ish. I have gone to SFoG for 2 hours, gone to Atlanta to hang out with some friends from Duke TIP, and then go back to SFoG for the last 2 hours (the best when it's dark).




Oh and parks I am going to in the near future:


Walibi World (Yay! Europe for Fall Break) on 10-14 (5 days, someone please help me in the thread I created in Ask Alvey).


SFoG on Season Passholder Day.

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Well the next amuesment park I'm going to is definetly going to be Walt Disney World Resort. When I'm going, though, is still undecided.


The possibilites:


1. Do the Theme Park Review meet-up on the 21st.

2. Go this weekend by myself.

3. Go this weekened by myself, and do the meet up just for MNSSHP.


I'm not sure yet...

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I would go with you if I hadn't moved to Germany =\. I lived 30 mins away from the park...


but now I live 30 mins away from Holiday Park! Expedition GeForce HERE I COME!


(and my birthday is tomorrow too!!! WOOT!!!)

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