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[RCT2] Platinum Falls

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Hey guys, I haven't posted here in a long time. I have been pretty inactive at TPR and NE overall, so I thought I would start an NCSO and no 8cars park to get back into the game. Here are some screens.





Hope you all enjoy!



Edited by SuicideCarz
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You know my thoughts on the Intamin already.


The Schwarz looper looks great though, by far the best screen yet. Although, I would say to add some airtime hills and break up those long straight-aways. They hurt the overall composition of an otherwise great screen.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You know my thoughts on the Intamin already.


The Schwarz looper looks great though, by far the best screen yet. Although, I would say to add some airtime hills and break up those long straight-aways. They hurt the overall composition of an otherwise great screen.


I completely agree about the looper. It kind of reminds me of Dragon Mountain at Marineland - isolated sections of excitement separated by lots of straightaway track. Spice it up a bit. I like how you integrated it within the scenery though.

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