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Apply for a summer job at a park

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Hi everyone,


I am a 19 yr french student and I'm looking for a job for one month or two. Actually I'm not studying this year so I have a lot of spare time.

I was looking at a few local parks when I wondered: Why not Cedar Point?

So I checked their website and saw they have some offers...


Is there any foreign students (non US) over here that have worked at CP? Do they offer a job for one or two months or only for the full season?

I heard working in the US, especially for a summer job, was a long way to go.. Is that that hard?


I will contact them and ask my questions as well, but I'd like to hear one's personal experience..



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I am not an international student, but I know for a fact that CP hirs a TON of foreigners. There is a link on the jobs website for an international application. https://jobs.cedarfair.com/cedarpoint/ Basically Cedar Point offers positions for whenever you can be available. Staffing changes a lot throughout the season because of certain people's availability. They offer dorms as well so there's no need to look for apartments or anything like that. Hope this helps!

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Hi everyone,


I am a 19 yr french student and I'm looking for a job for one month or two. Actually I'm not studying this year so I have a lot of spare time.

I was looking at a few local parks when I wondered: Why not Cedar Point?

So I checked their website and saw they have some offers...


Is there any foreign students (non US) over here that have worked at CP? Do they offer a job for one or two months or only for the full season?

I heard working in the US, especially for a summer job, was a long way to go.. Is that that hard?


I will contact them and ask my questions as well, but I'd like to hear one's personal experience..




When you go through the hiring process at Cedar Point you sit down with them and discuss when you want to work. From one date to another date. If there are any dates you must have off in the timeframe you want to work there you must discuss it then as you make your "contract." Typically you will be expected to work 6 days a week at the times they tell you. If you work at a show, obviously your schedule revolves around the show times. So basically if you only want to work one or two months you can most likely do that without a problem. Don't expect them to place you in rides however, as they'll want more long term people in those jobs because of the training involved.

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I am a 19 yr french student and I'm looking for a job for one month or two. Actually I'm not studying this year so I have a lot of spare time.

I was looking at a few local parks when I wondered: Why not Cedar Point?


If you're specifically interested in Cedar Point then PointBuzz (a CP fansite) has a sub-forum for current and potential employees - you might find this to be a useful resource: pointbuzz.com/Forums/Topics/3.aspx


(mods - hope it's OK to link to another forum, just trying to be helpful )

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Thanks for the replies guys! After looking around, it seems it's too late for this year, but I'm keeping CP for next year, making my first job experience this year in a smaller local park (Nigloland).


I am not an international student, but I know for a fact that CP hirs a TON of foreigners. There is a link on the jobs website for an international application. https://jobs.cedarfair.com/cedarpoint/

I saw that webpage, that's from here I said to myself, why not me? But something that bug me at the moment is the programs they're talking about here. I don't have a clue what CCUSA or CIEE are. I got to check that.


Don't expect them to place you in rides however, as they'll want more long term people in those jobs because of the training involved.

Thanks for pointing that out, because rides was what I was aiming for. Even small one.. So, what do they call "long term people"? Because if I want, I have time, it can be more than a summer job.


If you're specifically interested in Cedar Point then PointBuzz (a CP fansite) has a sub-forum for current and potential employees - you might find this to be a useful resource: pointbuzz.com/Forums/Topics/3.aspx

Ooooh great, I was wondering if such places existed. Thanks a lot!

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Does anyone know what age is required to operate roller coasters or work in mechanics at a park? I want to go into the engineering field (specifically roller coaster design) so I would love some first hand experience with roller coasters and park operation more so than just visiting a park as a guest. Sadly there are no parks near be but maybe I could one day stay at a dorm at parks such as Cedar Point.

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Does anyone know what age is required to operate roller coasters or work in mechanics at a park? I want to go into the engineering field (specifically roller coaster design) so I would love some first hand experience with roller coasters and park operation more so than just visiting a park as a guest. Sadly there are no parks near be but maybe I could one day stay at a dorm at parks such as Cedar Point.


It depends on the park. I work in Sea World Texas as a ride operator and it's minimum age is 16 for ride op, and 18 with drivers licence for ride mechanic. But there are other parks like Cedar Point, Where you have to be 18 to operate the rides there.

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Does anyone know what age is required to operate roller coasters or work in mechanics at a park? I want to go into the engineering field (specifically roller coaster design) so I would love some first hand experience with roller coasters and park operation more so than just visiting a park as a guest. Sadly there are no parks near be but maybe I could one day stay at a dorm at parks such as Cedar Point.

At Cedar Point, 18. Cedar Point and Disney World are the only parks with dorms. Other parks only hire local employees.


The maintenance department at CP requires you to have a thorough background with mechanics in any certain area, such as cars or farm machinery. I would bet other parks do the same. Just be aware of that.

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It depends on the park. I work in Sea World Texas as a ride operator and it's minimum age is 16 for ride op, and 18 with drivers licence for ride mechanic. But there are other parks like Cedar Point, Where you have to be 18 to operate the rides there.


A major factor before the park makes it's rules is the state law. Some states allow 16 year olds, some require you to be 18. I believe the law in Ohio is 16, but Cedar Point requires you to be 18. The big factor is that minors have restricted hours per labor laws where as 18 and over can pretty much be worked at any and all hours of the day. Cedar Point uses that to their advantage since they require so much staff to operate their rides at full capacity.


King RCT3, As far as what department you are going for. It is possible to get into Rides with a limited period of availability in the summer. I applied and was offered a position in ride back in 2005 when I was only able to commit to 2 months. Sadly, I was talked into working at Johnny Rockets by my friend who knew the manager. I absolutely hated it and left the park after only a month and a week. I had a great time in the area and with the friends I made, but the actual job was dreadful. Had I taken the spot in Rides, I'm sure I would have stayed longer and likely would have returned for additional seasons.

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