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Photo TR: My 2012 take on Hansa-Park

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Hansa-Park 2012



The whole week was quite rainy and I took quite a chance on going friday. The gamble paid off

as it was dry all day - even if some gray clouds loomed - and the park was quite empty till

late afternoon when the local kids with season passes came in. So ERT on all coasters most of

the day!


The parking lot guard is already in.


After my first carnival coaster was Olympia Looping this year I saw it fitting to start my themepark

year with "Nessie".


Now some pics for the Schwarzkopf fanboys. All others should scroll down a little...(-;





On to my other favorite "Flying Shark" - one of the last remaining Huss Ranger in germany as the

last one travelling was lately sold to romania. However this one got a new operators plate with

fancy LEDs so I hope it'll stay some years to come.


Sadly most poeple today seem too chickenshit to hang upside-down by a lapbar...


View from the Mine Tower over the Maurer-Söhne Mouse "Crazy Mine" in the front and some of the

nice rides in the back of the park.


Seldom found rafting "Rio Dorado" made by White Water West.


Unique ride "The Bell" by Funtime. Very low capacity but ideal on a slow day like this.


Junior logflume around a viking ship.


Fun junior coaster "Snake of Midgaard" - note the animatronic snake's head on the right...


No teacups spin faster than Zamperla teacups! Honestly: You can spin these at insane speeds!


Another classic refurbished with sparkling new LED lights: Huss Troika "Waverider". Also love the

location with the near-colission point with the administrative building.


It's green...


Classic Merry-Go-Round from the gyro-tower.


Logflume "Super splash".


"Super Splash" was costum-designed and built by Intamin.


And right next door the classic logflume by Arrow - in 1978 the first of its kind in germany.


The boss is in.


Huss Pirate "The Flying Dutchman"


Western Town from the parks railroad station...


...which brings one to Fluch.


The story of poor soul Peer Oldendorp.


Greatly themed queue - but its hard to get the holographic talking head right. The massive use

of holographic projectors is awesome - this package could IMO work greatly as inspiration for a

Harry Potter Gringotts rollercoaster.


Good hair-day!


Heartline-Roll with good hangtime.


And finally after getting out of the Fluch maze a ride on the BHS Metroliner powered coaster.

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I really enjoyed Hansa during TPR's Scandi Trip. Fulch von Novgorod (a great ride) was operating while we were there, but it still wasn't finished (lots of theming to be added). I loved the tricky exit with its false corridor (and creepy scareactor).

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Always loved this park.


And hoped to get back to it some day.


Maybe that upcoming Scandi Tour

will include it, again.


Thanks for sharing your day there.

I definitely liked a lot of the flats

and coasters they had there.

The Flying Shark was one of them, lol.


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