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Photo TR: Knight Valley February 9, 2012

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I went to Knight Valley at OCT East last Thursday and took someone I call Thao Kitty with me. The sky was cloudy, but it didn't rain. I rode Wood Coaster four times. Thao Kitty, who is from Vietnam, had never ridden a wooden coaster before and she joined with me for a ride. She didn't want to ride it a second time. After Wood Coaster, we went to the park's Jungle Kart, a Bobkart ride. This version was ran slower than other Bobkart rides and I thought I was going to have to get out an push the car several times during the ride. We also did the Spider-Man style 3-D dark ride called 4000 Miles to Earth Center and saw the Flood At Mandrill Mountain Stunt Show. We took the railway to the top of the mountain for some spectacular views. Knight Valley has one of the most beautiful settings for a theme park. Those of you who will join in on the next TPR trip to China will be in for a treat. Knight Valley is an excellent place to visit...with or without the coaster.


Just inside the entrance to Knight Valley, Thao Kitty poses for a photo.


Why is Thao Kitty so happy?


Thao Kitty is happy because she is about to be introduced to the joys of a wooden coaster. She had never ridden one of these before.


The coolest name ever for a dark ride.


Here is Jungle Kart-the slowest ride on the planet.


Here is the incline railway at Knight Valley.


Thao and I on the incline railway.


Here is what Knight Valley looks like from the top of the mountain.


Here is a scene on top of the mountain at OCT East.


Thao Kitty on Knight Valley's carousel.


Here is the lift of Wood Coaster.


Here is another view of Wood Coaster.


Knight Valley had some photos telling the story of the history of roller coasters.


One of the photos showed an ice slide from Russia.


Thao Kitty and I finish our day at Knight Valley.

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Wood Coaster is an excellent ride. I rode four times that day. I find Wood Coaster to be the wooden version of Eagle's Fortress. Both are built on the side of a hill and the layouts follow the terrain very nicely. Either one of these rides could easily qualify as the best terrain coaster ever built.

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