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Need some help with a trivia game...


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Hey guys!


I've already spoken to AJ about this, but I figured I'd ask you guys too.


I'm working on a simple roller coaster trivia iPhone App as a way for us to "test the waters" with iPhone development.


The game will be pretty basic, but I want to load it up with questions. I've attached the current spreadsheet so you can see the format of what we need. It's VERY straight forward!


I kind of need as many "general trivia" questions as you guys can give me between now and Monday. If you're able to help, please let me know ASAP, download the spreadsheet, create a tab with your name on it, start typing them in, and if you could upload the progress on a daily basis so I can start to incorporate them into our main spreadsheet. The question number doesn't really matter as much as I'll end up changing those. Just need the question and the answers.


Also, please be sure to rename the file coaster_trivia_general_yourname.xlsx


Any questions? Just ask!


Thank you!




Edited by robbalvey
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Okay, so I did not see this thread.


I sent Robb a PM, but I'll let you all know what I've been doing.


I've been working in categories so I don't make any duplicate questions. I have 100 complete so far. When Robb let me know about this he gave me a target number of 250.


Similar Coaster Types - the answers are all the same manufacturer and model, and you're asked a question about them. The trick is to figure out what the coasters all are before trying to answer the question. 50 questions, done.


Similar Coaster Names - two types. One type gives you a description of the coaster, and you have to answer which park it's in; the catch is that all four of the answers have a coaster of that name. The other type gives you a description of the coaster, and you have to answer what it is; this catch is that the names are all similar. 25 questions, done.


Record Holders - you are asked what OPERATING coaster is the record holder for the given region and given statistic. These will have to be updated as new coasters open, like PortAventura's coaster which will be the tallest in Europe when it opens. 25 questions, done.


Coaster >>> Park - you are given the name of a coaster, and you have to answer what park it's in. 50 questions, in progress.


Description >>> Coaster - you are given a description and location of a coaster, and you have to answer what it is. 50 questions, not started yet.


Defunct Coasters - you are asked questions about recent defunct coasters, such as Big Bad Wolf. 25 questions, not started yet.


Random - geeky bits of trivia, like being asked who sponsors Rock n' Roller Coaster. 25 questions, not started yet.


Edited by A.J.
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RD - Check your spreadsheet to make sure the "correct answers" are appearing in the "correct" column.


For example, these are the answers in the "correct" column for these questions:


Which of these Arrow coasters owes it's origin to Schwarzkopf



Hypersonic XLC was the first major coaster for which manufacturer

Maruer Sohne

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AJ - for the record holders, I would add a year. For example instead of this:

What is the fastest operating coaster in Asia?


Make the question this:


What was the fastest operating coaster in Asia in 2011?


As it's very possible that the app could be in distribution after another fastest coaster is created, and then the question would be wrong, and we'd have to do an update to fix it.


But otherwise...looks great!!!

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NM the above: Memo to me, read the tabs on a speadsheet...


Here's what I've got so far- and will add more as time goes by-



I'm still seeing the wrong answers in the "correct" column. I'll wait to import yours when it's all fixed up.

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Looks pretty good. Personally, I would have the color scheme changed to something befitting of the new front page design.


Also (this is something that I corrected myself on a lot), we need to make sure that when we make references to defunct coasters, we use "was" instead of "is".


EDIT: Holy [censored] that is a tricky photo. I originally thought that it was Great American Scream Machine!


We still need to make sure that we proofread and re-proofread the questions though.

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Okay, one thing with this is that not everyone is a massive coaster geek, so not everyone will know abbreviations (DL, SFOG, WTF, LMAO, FFS, etc) of parks. I specifically avoided putting coasters that share their names with other coasters as answers to avoid confusion. The exceptions are the "similar coaster names" questions, but those answers are all parks if the question refers to a single name placed on multiple coasters (Shockwave, for example).


Another thing is ride names. We can't use retired ride names to refer to rides that already exist - for example, it's not "Manhattan Express" anymore, it's "Roller Coaster". There may be a great deal of people who casually download the app and not know what Manhattan Express is.


Take what I say with a grain of salt. A lot of your questions are fantastic.

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Okay, one thing with this is that not everyone is a massive coaster geek, so not everyone will know abbreviations (DL, SFOG, WTF, LMAO, FFS, etc) of parks. I specifically avoided putting coasters that share their names with other coasters as answers to avoid confusion. The exceptions are the "similar coaster names" questions, but those answers are all parks if the question refers to a single name placed on multiple coasters (Shockwave, for example).


Another thing is ride names. We can't use retired ride names to refer to rides that already exist - for example, it's not "Manhattan Express" anymore, it's "Roller Coaster". There may be a great deal of people who casually download the app and not know what Manhattan Express is.


Take what I say with a grain of salt. A lot of your questions are fantastic.


Any advice with this is helpful; where coming up with questions can be tricky, I wanted to have a few 'ballbuster' questions in there as well- thus why a few of the names may be 'obscure' or 'hidden' in some terms.


I've been going through my rusty brain trying to figure out some things such as 'taglines' for coasters- I.E. "Coiled and Ready to Strike" etc. but I'm sort of out of juice on that one for the time being- if there's a later update, that would be a totally different beast. Also: If there are questions that might not be of use, let me know those as well. I'm 'home' for the next four days due to an ear infection that's grounded me, so I'll have more time to work on some of these things in the background.

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