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Elsmere Gardens [RCT2+WW]

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Well after the demise of Elsmere Adventure I have finally began work on my new park. So far I only have one ride built but that will change in due time. This update shows my coaster Freedom Fighter, based on a certain coaster that was recently announced.


Freedom Fighter


Freedom Fighter

Edited by mcjaco
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Soren and Coasterdude5, thank you for the kind words, it's support that makes making parks worth while. Coasterfreak101, what I like to do is build my ride, next I add the coaster essentials (Brake run supports and rails, and concrete for any land I lowered) you can see those in the screen shots above. After I have the essentials I build my queue line and exit, again I keep it realistic ... fence in parts that peeps could get to the ride, cover parts where the track is real close to the peeps etc. Lastly I will landscape, either with different trees or by shaping the land


My new coaster is loosely based on Italian Job Stunt Track, Freewheel Burnin will put you in the seat of a transporter running from the police. You will drive through a parking garage, through the streets of China Town, jump the bridge to Ellis Island and fly by the Statue of Liberty. Shortly after, you are confronted by a N.Y.P.D. Helicopter, the only escape is through the sewers. You will leave the sewers, enter an abandoned ware house and then smash out of the building into a rain chute.


Freewheel Burnin


Freewheel Burnin


Freewheel Burnin


Freewheel Burnin

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Coasterdude5, thanks for the kind and funny comment ... Haydawg149, you are correct I based Freedom Fighter off of Patriot. Now for my next update, this coaster will take you deep into the lush Forest of the Orient, where you will encounter the Dragoon! Pictures speak better than words so with out further adieu, I present Dragoon.









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Sweet coasters! Now I think I'm inspired to make a new RCT2 park after you and Soren do so well! Thanks for the scenery tips, I might have to steal some things from you (Freewheel Burnin: The Revenge ). Two questions for you, where do you get your custom scenery and when do you connect everything and add rides? Do you put your coasters far apart to make sections, like I would? Actually, that was 3 questions, so I'll buzz off (for now ) and I can't wait to see your next creation!

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Tyler, all of the scenery I am using is from Rct2 and Wacky Worlds and for your second question, I make them far apart and then connect them. On to the update, Claustrophobia is the worlds only portable B&M Floorless Coaster. Beware though, if you don't like tight spaces this ride isn't for you. Next up is Panther, feel the power as you roar up and down hills on this wooden monster.


Continuing the tradition of terrain Schwarzkopf coasters is Flight Of The Phantom. This coaster is ideal for the thrill riders in training. Now on to some landscaping, Elsmere Gardens should have some gardens right . The last two pictures are an overview of the park, mainly to show Tyler how I make my park. Thanks for reading and commenting - Eric










Flight Of The Phantom


Flight Of The Phantom









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Yeah, the Portable Floorless coaster fits it's description prefectly: PORTABLE! I think the reason is because there's no themeing, and theming ALWAYS makes a coaster look 100% better! But I really love Panther- is the 1st or 2nd drop the biggest? The Schwarkopf (???) coaster is cool to, i like how the 1st hill dives right through the queue! And man, you really space out your rides! How much do you do before you'll open the park?

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Haydawg and BiCoaster Kid, while I respect your opinions I like my portable floorless because it is something unique. If you are referring to the size of my park BiCoastal Kid it's big because I like to make a ton of rides . Thanks for the compliments Tyler, I am not sure which drop on Panther is larger off the top of my head but I can check it out and post about it in my next update. As for how much I build before opening the park, I like to build the entire park and then open it ... sort of a grand finale to all my work



Newest attraction, Falcon is a Flight through the rain forest, that is like no other. I also added Tsunami, a really big Intamin splash boat ride.





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Ask and you shall receive Tyler, first up is an Intamin flying turns coaster named Nordic Express. Climb aboard your bobsled and feel the rush as you weave in and out of Panther and go through numerous twists and turns. The other coaster in this update is Dragoon Jr. , a spinning coaster that is fun for the whole family.


Dragoon Jr.


Dragoon Jr.


Nordic Express


Nordic Express

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