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Six Flags Over Texas help

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Sorry if there is a thread on this somewhere, I did a search and went through like 8 pages and found nothing. I'm going to be heading to Dallas over Thanksgiving, and wanted to know if there is anywhere I can get discounted tickets to Six Flags Over Texas. Also, what are the crowds like Thanksgiving weekend?

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I think that the discount on admission with a Coke can is only during the summer. However you will most likely be able to buy your ticket online at a cheaper price (tickets for Holiday in the Park are not yet available online but should be soon.) You can also buy parking and meal vouchers online for a little cheaper. Or, you get 5% off if you pay with Discover lol. But nobody has Discover so I'm assuming you don't either! Those are the only discounts I know of.


Also, I wouldn't expect crowds to be heavy at all that weekend, but even if they are, SFOT has great operations, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Hope this helps a little!

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One thing to keep in mind, the park can get VERY busy on Saturday, as in last year traffic was backed up the exit ramp from the highway, and that was true for almost if not every Saturday. Sunday's are the best if you can do that date. The price they will have online is about the best and runs around 25-30 plus the service fee. Otherwise, I would take my chances on Friday. FP will also be an option and traditionally they lower the price some as Gotham City won't be open.


*Edit* wow, I thought they would for sure have NTAG open, but nope, it's listed as not in operation.

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