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[MC] Wolfbane

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Alrighty then. I've been busy the last few days with this project and thought I'd post it at the lovely TPR forum. It is near completion trackwise and groundwork. What remains is all the woodwork and railing (or no railing?.. )


So I present you with this semi-realistic Minecraft coaster! (thanks to 1pizza14 for inspiring me to do one! )




The Lifthill using noteblocks as a sort of "chain" look-alike.



Woo, the first drop!



Seen from the furthest point towards the lifthill



Could one say I was inspired by Prowler? ^^



There will be a video eventually, as well as other detaling done. But I just can't sit on this gem without showing it! =D

Also, theres a need for a name. If you come up with anything just write a short reply and give your suggestion as well as why =D

Edited by Reviar
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Once upon a time, I did something like this but never showed it here. Beautiful piece of work you have here, looking forward to more pics and that video. What looks really good is using the wooden railing for the wooden supports below the track. If you're willing to put in the time for it, definitely do that.


As for a name, I guess relate it to something about the forest. Maybe Gray Wolf, Mountaineer, Wildfire. Thats all I got.

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A view of the lifthill from near the station



Brakeline and cart storage



And there is a lot of these! =D



The station, and the way you start the "train". I've tried numerous ways to actually have a start / stop for multiple carts before this one.


I've messed up a little around the whole station, so these pictures are what it is supposed to look like.

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I'm making a Minecraft coaster too, and I was wondering what you used to automatically propel the cart out of the station (if you have a system setup). If you know of a way to do that, let me know! I finished the layout to Diamond Force, and I'm basically trying to make it have a working station (where the cart waits, lets you get in, and takes off with the push of a button) and a working block system.

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Wiring beneath ( hooked to a lever with inverter somewhere along the track. But just seeing should make you understand whats going on





The "train" start




This gives a slight gap, but should make it possible for more than 1 rider at a time. I've not had enough people to join a server to try it.


And yes, I took time to upload these, but I'm going straight back to building my spac.... soz other project ^^

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  AJClarke0912 said:
^^That doesn't work anymore. I think booster tracks now only increase speed in a given direction, which rules out the "moving from a stand-still". I can no longer sit on a booster rail, push a button, and have it propel. The booster track lights up, but doesn't move the car.


Both the car and the track must be butted up against a block. Just tested it now in beta 1.8.1 and it works fine.

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^^ Yeah, it sort of is, but u're talking about my system currently in use. He wants a start / stop train. And that I've yet to figure out.


But the only other idea I've had and tried is a cart that is being stopped by a detector piston, and then started by having a piston place a block behind it, and then boost. ONLY problem with this is that the damn timing was a pain and it took way to much space to look any good.


Also you had to have double wires and timers setup to push / pull back the track behind the cart.


I did have a pic, but not any more. Will check in any of the backup folders if I still have the save, if so you can see the concept and perhaps make it work...

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Aprox 4 days at sporadic times. And a whole lot of digging. For the next coaster there'll be more work done, quicker. WorldEdit has become my friend. This project was however just item spawning and manual placement of blocks As legit it can be, without resource collecting that is. And yeah, flying to avoid falling to death at times =D


Also I do not recommend having rails on the side of the coasters you build, as it'll might slow the cart down. Mine without the extra boosters goes halfway thru on just the gravity of the first drop. But it needs some extra and they are placed where it'd be realistic.

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This is the system


Thats how it looks. But never, managed to make it work the way we both want. As a trainstarter...



And just cause this recent activity in the thread, I'm actually trying hard to find a start / stop system for a full minecart train.

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If you want one that can stop and start a train just use this one:


The cart goes clockwise around the track. When it reaches the downward sloped unpowered rail, it slows and stops. When someone gets in it and pushes the button, that turns the powered rail on and accelerates it down the slope.

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Well, this sucks. Both my 120.000 block spaceship and this rollercoaster are no more. Due to recent events and lovely friends my saves are no more. They even managed to kill the backups.


I'm going to rebuild a coaster of course, but unfortunately not Wolfbane =/

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