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Most Notable Accident

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For a kid growing up in St Louis in the 70s, it had to have been the car that fell from the SkyWay and killed 3 people in 1978.


That freaked out my 9-year old mind. I remember going to the park the following summer with my family and secretly worrying all day long that one of my family members was going to die on one of the rides...

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Another notable one that was caused due to the rider and not the park was at Waterworld USA(I'm not sure if we are counting water parks here so if not sorry, but i still consider this horrific ). A graduating high school class was trying to beat the record for most students on a waterslide at one time. They all ignored the life guard and rushed onto the slide filling it to near quadruple recommended capacity. The water slide then collapsed killing one girl and injuring 30 more. I found out about this from a newstory a few years back while watching youtube. heres a link to what happened http://articles.cnn.com/1997-06-03/us/9706_03_water.slide_1_water-slide-waterworld-usa-banzai-pipeline?_s=PM:US


I remember the waterslide incident. As my college freshman roomate's good friend was one of the people on that waterslide when that happened. He seemed pretty messed up from it happening. I was a big theme park person back then and couldn't believe it when he was telling the story.


I also remember that one well, as I went to the High School that was involved in the accident. We had a scholarship awarded every year in memory of Quimby Ghilotti, the girl who died in the accident. My class (2005) was actually the first senior class allowed to go to theme park for their Senior trip after that happened. We did the Disneyland Grad Night.

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