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An Exclusive Blackpool Pleasure Beach Print!

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I have just received this email in from Robin Ross, the "voice" of Blackpool Pleasure Beach's Radio Station (if you remember it used to be Kit Kat Radio)...


Hi All!


Happy New Year, seems you are busy as usual


I have finished the Blackpool prints and it is a run of 12, I have made 9 available for TPR Members on Somerset paper the others are on a different paper. The cost of the print is $100 each with $15 postage and packing. Please have your members contact me directly if they would like one, or require more information: robin@robinross.co.uk


Paper is 30 inches by 22 inches

Image is 23 1/2 inches by 15 1/2 inches


These are all printed by hand and can be described as 'Hand Pulled Limited edition Screen Prints'


These colours will never be repeated and is truly an exclusive piece.


I am showing in London, Manchester and galleries throughout the UK with collectors looking for my work.




Robin Ross


Edited by larrygator
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I need some art for my walls. I've sent Robin an e-mail to confirm the dimensions of the print. I'll post the info here when received.


EDIT: I have revised the first post in the thread with additional info from Robin.

Edited by larrygator
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