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RCT Coaster Challenge Chat

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I definitely think that there should be ones without scenery. For some of us (ie me...) scenery is a really big challenge. I love building rides but when it comes to theme them half the time I have screwed up by placing sections too close together or I just don't feel like going through the tedium of building a building piece by bloody freaking piece and then putting on the roof... UGh!!!


I think the compact coasters are a really fun challenge and they shouldn't be stopped in favor of just going with scenery related ones. Oh and BTW when you guys create the next scenarios you should edit out all other rides.


What about something "odd" for once? Like highest nausea rating on a 10 by 10 field? Or longest.... Or whatever...


I wouldn't mind having an "ultra compact" competition...

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What about something "odd" for once? Like highest nausea rating on a 10 by 10 field? Or longest.... Or whatever...


I wouldn't mind having an "ultra compact" competition...

I love the idea of doing an "odd" contest, where the length, nausea, height number of inversions etc. plays a part. It's definitely something we have thought about and think about.


As for an "ultra compact" competition, the only major problem is that they tend to be really hard, especially if you go down to 8x8 or 10x10. By doing that you reduce the likelihood of people entering as they become more like work than fun.


But the more people that mention it in here the more likely it is to happen

I like the idea of an Ultra Compact Contest! I would also like to see a Log Flume or River Rapids contest with theming.

See, one vote already lol


As for a Log Flume or River Rapids, I personally like the idea of a themed Flume contest, what does everyone else think?

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^ I like the idea, too! A Log Flume or River Rapids contest would be cool!

However, I think this theming contest will be one of the best ever! I really like it to build some things around the coasters! I hope we will have more contests like this one!

Anyway, I think I can post my second entry in a few hours. I am near the end.



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Soren Don't worry, we well continue to do both, there are a ton of great idea, I LOVE the log flume idea, and maybe we can do a super compact coaster challenge with no excitment or intesity restrictions



well we will see


Can't wait to see more coasters



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Especially when doing a ultra compact coaster you need those restrictions if you don't want an insane piece of steel...


When doing something Ultra compact, I'd also use a compact coaster like a mouse. Then you can also keep it fairly realistic.


A few years ago I did a lot of those, because they were perfect for placing in parks. I did a whole park with just such coasters and it looks really good!


I even had a 4x4 Mouse

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I definitely think that there should be ones without scenery. For some of us (ie me...) scenery is a really big challenge. I love building rides but when it comes to theme them half the time I have screwed up by placing sections too close together or I just don't feel like going through the tedium of building a building piece by bloody freaking piece and then putting on the roof... UGh!!!




OK, you really make some AWESME coasters, PLEASE at least post one even with minimal theming, it will still add alot to this comp

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I definitely think that there should be ones without scenery. For some of us (ie me...) scenery is a really big challenge. I love building rides but when it comes to theme them half the time I have screwed up by placing sections too close together or I just don't feel like going through the tedium of building a building piece by bloody freaking piece and then putting on the roof... UGh!!!




OK, you really make some AWESME coasters, PLEASE at least post one even with minimal theming, it will still add alot to this comp


Yes, I agree with Chris. I'm not great at either building coasters or theming, but I am still having fun by just entering.


So, Kenshinmac, please enter this contest, you do make great coasters, and your theming can't be any worse than mine!

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I thought we couldn't make tunnels?!? If so, cool! If not, sorry Fry!

No you can't make underground tunnels, Fry hasn't!


Fry has used scenery pieces to create buildings/tunnels that the ride goes through, that's allowed.


You just can't use the ingame tunneling stuff, mostly because people with regular RCT3 can't tunnel.


This is from the rules:


The only restriction will be no tunnels, you can sink the ground, and build over it like in RCT3, or use "fake tunnels"


Edit: Added rules quote.

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So PuceChan why should those of us with the ability to tunnel be punished? I just don't understand why we need to throw out the baby with the bathwater here... I mean sure they can't tunnel. Well they can work around it... It would be about equivalent to saying that RCT3 owners can't use track sections that aren't in RCT2.


I guess I am saying if you want to make it a part of the challenge for one or two then I am ok with it. I don't think it should be consistent just because some people can't do it.

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^ I'm sorry, I just don't get it. All last week you were so keen to start this contest and as soon as it started, I really thought you would be entering quite a few coasters.


It seems ever since it started, all you have done is pick fault with it. I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but Chris and Simon ARE doing thier best to try to please everyone. Sure, I'm disappointed that we can't use tunnels, but they are the rules of the contest, and to enter the contest we have to follow them.


There are a couple of coasters in particular already entered in this contest that I personally think are fantastic, one from RCT2 and one from RCT3. I'm about to submit my third entry and believe me they are nowhere near as good as those two! All I'm trying to say is, can't we all just enjoy it for what it is and be grateful that two people are taking the time to give us these contests?

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I've been working on my entries... I just am really bad at building... So it is taking me a long long time. It is fun to do a themed coaster but I'm not understanding why we aren't allowed to do tunnels just because there isn't the ability to do it in the original RCT3. I mean heck the main reason why I got Soaked before having fun with the waterslides was for the tunnels...

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So PuceChan why should those of us with the ability to tunnel be punished? I just don't understand why we need to throw out the baby with the bathwater here... I mean sure they can't tunnel. Well they can work around it... It would be about equivalent to saying that RCT3 owners can't use track sections that aren't in RCT2.


I guess I am saying if you want to make it a part of the challenge for one or two then I am ok with it. I don't think it should be consistent just because some people can't do it.


WHOA, man, just deal with it, you are the only one to complain, and that is the rule, and its not going to change, we have to make it fair for everyone, just read your manual and learn how to make fake tunnels, its not hard

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I'm not really complaining about this contest... I just kinda don't want to have to always fake tunnels. The way that Soaked does tunnels is just so much better than the way that you can do it otherwise in RCT3.


I'm kinda having fun this contest but I have some ideas I can only do with real tunnels... I'm just hoping that I will be able to do those in the future.

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OK, well this may not always be the case, as every one is diffrent



the next one MAY include tunnels, but actually we havn't decited yet


so don't worry, we may include tunnels on some, but not this one




uh yeah, what bocakey said, LOL

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