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Green Day Concert!

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I just got back from their show in Philadelphia. They really do put on a great show. One thing I liked was how they came out on time when they were supposed to unlike other groups that show up an hour late. No one sat down the entire show even people in the regular seating and not just the floor which was surprising. I thought they had a good mix of songs with most of them of course coming from American Idiot but some older ones as well. Definetly one of the better concerts I have been to.

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The concert was AMAZING! They played for about two hours and then came back out for an encore and played five more songs! It was much more than music and the lead singer put on an amazing show. I saw a lot of kids there with parents, but it was NOT a show for little kids because the lead singer made several gay references, mooned the audience, cussed a lot and some stuff that isn't acceptable to type for a forum! Jimmy Eat World, the opening band, in my opinion was awful! They are decent on the CD but they just were horrible last night. But, Green Day was awesome and it was a great time! This was the best concert I have ever been to! If there is a future concert in your area and tickets are still avalible, BUY THEM!

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^ Yeah, I loved all the flames and fire/ etc they had and thought it was a lot of fun, but the person I was with couldn't hear properly after the explosions. My eyes were a little messed up after the concert because I have contacts that makes my eyes really sensitive to the light but it was a lot of fun! I will def. be going to every future Green Day concert in Indianapolis.

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The concert in Sac is this friday. I have a few questions for people that when to others...


Where did you view the show from? What whas the pit like, if there was one?


I've heard the Flogging Molly is going to be with them, wich will be awsome. I saw them last friday in Stockton, and they were awsome. I hope they are there, even tho it doesnt say they will be on their web site.

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I viewed the show from the seats. It was at a football stadium. The stage was in the enzone. It was still a great view from up there. Yes Flogging Molly is with them. The pit was crazy! Some were like out of control and some were not that bad. Oh I so wish I was down there in them! It would of been so much fun! Haha!

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