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Photo TR: Sauble Beach Fun World

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This past weekend I was fortunate enough to take a trip up to Sauble Beach, Ontario. It's about 3 hours north of Toronto, and is a beautiful beach on Lake Huron. It's actually the second longest fresh water beach in the world! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauble_Beach,_Ontario


On the main road into Sauble Beach is "Sauble Beach Fun World" a small little park with a handful of rides built around a mini golf course and two Go Kart tracks. Earlier this year I had heard that there would be 3 coasters opening here this year, and was curious to find out what was happening.


Here's what I found.


The first coaster is the Go Gator family powered coaster. It's a trailor mounted ride that must be from somewhere in Ontario, as it's plated and ready to move. It looks relatively new and well cared for.


Next up was one of the strangest coasters I've ever seen. It's called "Roller Coaster" and looks ancient. I've included a shot of a stats card attached to the motor casing below. Has anyone seen this kind of coaster before or know where it came from?


The biggest addition is the Looping Star. It's arrived here at it's new home this year, but was formerly from Beech Bend. I've included a shot of the front of the train that still shows it's old home's name.


None of the three rides were open yet, which was disappointing considering it was a Saturday in July. The Looping Star was getting some new paint. And by new paint, I mean there was a guy up on one of the pillars with a can of red Tremclad Spray Paint! Pictures below!


Here we are...


The new Go-Gator Coaster - typical kiddie coaster from a fair or carnival


Hook this up to your pickup truck and drive away!


A very old and very strange coaster... it's name is very easy to remember though


Does the added foam count as a refurb on the train?


The Looping Star in it's new home...




Yup... I guess this came from Beech Bend... it's a long drive from Kentucky


I asked around, and this is apparently going to be built soon. It's a drop tower ride.


This is the info card for "Roller Coster" - anyone know anything about this type of coaster or where it came from?


And last but not least... Looping Star getting it's new "Paint Job"... LOL!

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Neat little TR showing something waaaaaaay out of the way. Oddly, I was considering heading up to Sauble in the next week or two to check our their new rides (and get my first Pinfari looper credit...oh joy ). It's a shame that the new rides aren't open yet...I'd imagine they'd draw a nice crowd from people at the beach.

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Glad to see the looping star getting a nice new home, I spent a lot of hot hours with no shade in the Kentucky Summer Sun standing on the platform of that crappy little looping star, but had a ton of fun doing it! I wonder if it still gets stuck on the little air (or lack of ) hill before the helix into the brake run. I used to have to walk up the track and push the car over the edge which looking back on it was completely unsafe but at the time it was the best method haha.

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