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"Holiday Thrill Expansion Corp." [RCT2]

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JULY 29, 2010 UPDATE:

For those of you new to this thread, this is the home of the "Holiday Thrills Expansion Corporation". It is like Cedar Fair or Six Flags, it looks for space open in thriving vacation spots and turns them into large theme parks. Currently, it only has one addition park: "Myrtle Magic", which can be seen later in the thread. It's updates or each season will include both the park's additions. Thanks for reading, feedback is welcome, and have fun!


pg. 3: Myrtle Magic first revealed to public!

pg. 11: Topsail Island is revealed.

pg. 12: 200ft wood coaster added at Myrtle Magic...self acclaimed "Wood Coaster Capital of the World!"




In the 1980s, a local business man wanted to open a small theme park to attract the local beach goers in Virginia Beach, to increase money so he could put more food on his family's table. He bought some undeveloped land next to some hotels on the beach and began his project...


With only a few flats, the man and his family were making money like crazy during the "park"'s first season. The park's name: "Holiday Thrills".


The park began to grow and grow. New sections added, it's first roller coaster added in the late 80s. What started as a local thing has turned into one of the most thriving park's in the country- tourists from all over would visit just to see the beautiful scenery and magnificent rides. Local hotels were packed all throughout the summer...water parks were added, even a B&M Hypercoaster.


I took my family on a visit to this "Holiday Thrills", not expecting much. But...well, you'll see for yourself!


(P.S: This is a topic for the entire Holiday Thrills Expansion Corp., which will soon buy many more parks as it continues to grow as a company. More pictures of the coasters are to be added of their main park, "Holiday Thrills".)


We exited the interstate and drove down a long rode of shops on our way to the beach, hotels, and park. We know we're getting close as we pass by this massive sign...


We're getting even closer!


We arrive at our hotel, the park directly next to us! We were debating which entrance to use to get in the park- the one off the interstate or the one directly from the beach.


We assumed most people used the beach entrance, so we headed our way back the road and found ourself with this very small entrance building.


Very nice entrance plaza, with a restaurant and of course, some bathrooms. The season pass processing center is located at the other side of the park.


Here's the beach entrance, overlooked by a wonderful B&M Floorless.


Overview of most of the park. (Note from braztaz: Keep in mind, I took this a while ago, so not a lot of it is up to date.)


You can see the water park to the upper left.

Edited by braztaz
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From what I can see, I think your 2nd entrance building may be just a tad bit too small. Same with the hotel.


Looks like you have a great start!


Yeah, this park is growing along with me. I started it when I wasn't a serious player, so some buildings are pretty basic while others aren't. I'm working on them as we speak.


Thanks for the input!

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Are those water slides that I see? Do they work?


Going to sound stupid but I really like that white sign made out of wooden coaster supports.


They are water slides, but no, they don't work. I'm not a genius like you!


Thanks. I thought it was a neat idea, too.

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Some little updates, the storyline will continue next post.


(Also, the only reason 8 guests are in my park is because 8 cars isn't working, and they're stuck in line for the rides, since they can't go on as one person. oops!)


The now two small hotels for just the park. It's hard to book these, but they come with discounted tickets, so I wouldn't settle for the neighboring hotels just yet!


"Holiday Thrills Resort"


"Beachside Inn"


new entrance.


To the right of the beach entry plaza, you'll find the entrance to the water park.

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Thanks for the compliment but I am sure you can do it also.


As for the guests stuck at ride entrances, they will leave the line if you hit the construction buttons on the rides. Then they will leave the park. They really are not hurting anything though, so leave them be if you wish.


Interesting use of a land section to make the inside corner of your building, never would have thought of that.

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I like the water park, though i would add a few more water "attractions", like the splash tower stuff. Great park though, keep it up


Thanks! But keep in mind, this place is surrounded by hotels with indoor water parks, pools, and the such. It's also right next to the ocean. I meant for the water park to not be as big as most.


Thanks for the compliment but I am sure you can do it also.


As for the guests stuck at ride entrances, they will leave the line if you hit the construction buttons on the rides. Then they will leave the park. They really are not hurting anything though, so leave them be if you wish.


Interesting use of a land section to make the inside corner of your building, never would have thought of that.


I actually did the land section because i couldn't find anything else.

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From the overview, I'm glad to see that you have improved immensley! The pasrk has a nice skyline, and nothing seems to be over crowded, so good job there. I like that you have more than just rightangles on that one hotel, for it just makes it more eye pleasent in my mind. Overall, I'm glad to see that you're improving!

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Here's some more photos from my trip!




Here we are, "Holiday Thrills" at last! We took the interstate entrance and was greeted with minimal crowds.


We found that the B&M Hyper "Thunder Lap" was a near walk-on!


Also, the ride operator told me that the large white section of the queue will be used to hold plants, flowers, and such, surrounding the guests in a nice cool, forest-y atmosphere. Nice idea!


Here's an overview of "Thunder Lap" i acquired from the park entrance. They have many more of these pictures avalible, as well.


The neat station.


A little further up we rode "Bon Voyage", an average wooden roller coaster.


another birds-eye view photo.


We walked further down the path, by a few flats and the "Indoor Twist": a scrambler in pitch-dark.


We walked into a BEAUTIFUL garden on our way to our next coaster rides.


To our right was a stadium. Some water-trick shows are held there.


Straight ahead of us was the coaster, "Kiddie Castle". Behind that I could see the inverted coaster... "Supernova".


Supernova was a real treat, I gotta say. Very speedy inversions and a quick line.


(We were now catching up to the crowds- it was only getting busier from here on out)


Osnap, a corkscrew that goes into a mountain! I was NOT expecting this, took me and most of the other riders by much surprise.


Here's the family coaster, "Sunny Days". It's actually a pretty good ride, you get flung-out-of-your-seat airtime on that first pop before the overbanked turn.


Ah, "Fierce Force"...my personal favorite. It's over right when you blink, but it's one of the greatest experience I've had as a theme park enthusiast.


The airtime hill.


We made it to the beach-entrance of the park, which was packed. An hour wait for "Dusk", the amazing floorless overlooking the beach.


Dusk's interlocking corkscrews.


A unique thing about dusk is that it's first inversion is a cobra roll, which doesn't happen often on B&M's.


Here's "Seagull's Hunt", an average Dive coaster. That overbanked turn is pretty forceful, though.


Next to the drop towers we have the park's themed section, "Off the Map".


"Off the Map" includes a mine-train coaster...


"Jungle Mouse"...a wild mouse coaster.


"Jungle Mouse"'s queue.


here's the beach entrance restaurant.


more photos coming soon, with the full water park!

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From the overview, I'm glad to see that you have improved immensley! The pasrk has a nice skyline, and nothing seems to be over crowded, so good job there. I like that you have more than just rightangles on that one hotel, for it just makes it more eye pleasent in my mind. Overall, I'm glad to see that you're improving!


Thank you! I agree- I look at some of my older parks and just roll my eyes at what I thought was good!


But I'm still a long ways from what I can still become

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Project 2011 for Holiday Thrill Expansion Corporation?


Things are kept in a hush-hush, but a CEO of Holiday Thrill Expansion Corp. Jake Ridgedale hinted at something big at a press meeting yesterday.


"Tourists in VA Beach are lucky to have such a treat to go to when they go on vacation," says Ridgedale. "Why keep all of it to themselves?"


So yes, while brief, we now have a hint at what HTEC plans to do in the "very near future"... All I'm wondering is if they're keeping it on the east coast, or going over to the west coast, and how they'll be able to find some land on any beach, what with all the hotels that exist there now.


Caught this from the VA Times. I'm sure more information will be released soon.

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GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! I have gotten a hold of HTEC's future construction plans! As we all know, this project is being kept very secret, so this is great pieces of information we've inquired...


From previous HTEC construction plan experience, I think I can crack of what a few of these mean.


First off, I'm positive that areas outlined in purple are current construction plans for roller coasters.. Which means somewhere, there are workers constructing a structure high off the ground. They must work really hard to keep this a secret....


Outlined in red are MAJOR future expansion plans, which can include an entire new section/roller coaster/flats, you name it.


And outlined in Orange is future flats construction.


I'm very confused at what the green lines mean. Anyone have any ideas or opinions?

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7 inversions D:!! The station on that hyper looks a bit odd.. Maybe it has something to do with having an irregular roof You really should make your buildings more realistic.. It makes the coaster 1000000x better I loved the turn around on that hyper.. Very unique and fun!

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I Really like the Off the Map section, except for the Wild Mouse. From what I can see, there doesn't seem to be any real drops. So maybe a couple of small drops to go with the hairpin turns.


I would personally like to see a ski-lift style ride, similar to the one at Indiana Beach, that streches across the central body of water.


Can't wait to see what you come up with!

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I Really like the Off the Map section, except for the Wild Mouse. From what I can see, there doesn't seem to be any real drops. So maybe a couple of small drops to go with the hairpin turns.


I would personally like to see a ski-lift style ride, similar to the one at Indiana Beach, that streches across the central body of water.


Can't wait to see what you come up with!




Er, I mean...nice guess.

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7 inversions D:!! The station on that hyper looks a bit odd.. Maybe it has something to do with having an irregular roof You really should make your buildings more realistic.. It makes the coaster 1000000x better I loved the turn around on that hyper.. Very unique and fun!


Yes, I know, I made that 5 minutes before I posted the post! I was about to take the pictures but realized the hyper had no station! What a genius I am


Oh, and triggernel, the wild mouse was something I put together really quick and was one of the first coasters I made in the park. I hate it too, and it woulkd be much better of without it.


But thanks again everyone!

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HPEC is proud to announce it's new addition to their company...


"Myrtle Magic"!


Located on a small plot of land in Myrtle Beach, SC, "Myrtle Magic" is sure to be a future successful park- but for now, it's not but a small attraction for local beach goers.


"Start small for the best results," says the company. "It's not a tourist destination now, but it sure will be in a few years. We are looking for fast expansion."


And only a few months of construction, predictions, and anticipation later- "Myrtle Magic" was revealed to roller coaster enthusiasts everywhere.


Let's start this tour, shall we?


Myrtle Magic's land ownership consists of a the entire beach you see in the picture. But it's actual land is limited, for it's cut off because a golf course resides there. (It's a pretty large golf course, too!)


Here's the main gate. Unlike "Holiday Thrills", Myrtle Magic's beach and interstate entrance combine into one.


Here is the entry plaza. Don't worry, we're still working on a few more things to spif it up for the grand opening!


What's unique about this is that there is a bridge you have to cross to get over a creek, as you can see.


Across the bridge you'll find the carousel, and a souvenir building!


Walk a little more, and you'll find the entrance to "Sharpclaw".... a unique wooden roller coater that packs TONS of airtime!


Here's the coaster from one angle...


Here's it from another!


Aand we take a left turn as we pass "Across the Lake Burgers", and a few flat rides.


Outside eating area and mini-boardwalk.


Here's a souvenir shop with restrooms, and the park's 4-D theater, with 3 shows to pick from throughout the day.


The stadium for live shows.


And now we're approaching the plaza for "Patriot's Plunge"!


Patriot's Plunge plaza.


Patriot Plunge is a racing woodie that reaches heights of 85ft, and speeds of 52mph! Here's the seperate queues and station


Gotta love that layout!




An assortment of shops restrooms and restaurants.


A beachside junior roller coaster.


And it's back to the entry plaza! Such a simple layout, it's impossible to get out. But don't think you're always going to have to walk around the lake!


Take our scenic chairlift across!


That's it to update for now! Criticism is always appreciated!

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