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Intamin impulse question

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I've always looked up at the plunger/bumpstops on the intamin impulse coasters and wondered if they had ever been "used" before. So, does anyone know if an impulse has ever went high enough to hit the bumpstop?

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You know, I've never thought about that before with Intamin...although I have wondered if there have ever been incidents like that on shuttle coasters (ex: Schwarzkopf shuttle loop or Vekoma boomerang)...but I digress.


If there has been an incident on an Impulse, then at least it wouldn't be the first incident on an Intamin ( )...blame it on the cable!

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I worked on Steel Venom at GL and to my knowledge from talking with maintenance, it has never touched the bumpers. Anytime the ride went above the designed speed it would e-stop itself and fault out. This would also happen if the computer "lost" the train or the LIM's misfired.


I don't know if any of the other impulses have done it though.. I am guessing they have not though.

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