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which are best park to visit in NY Boston Philaldelphia area

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i am planning a trip on th eeast coast going from montreal canada over boston New york Washington Philadelphia and may be going south over jacksonville charleston


my son is 16 years old and love six flags magic moutain in valencia california

he likes X2 and universal studios island of aventures


is thre something like these or better ones on the east coast ?


can you give the names of the best parks to visit in the areas above ?


let's imagine the top 3 parks to visit


or what are the best parks of the east coasts ?


Thanks for your infos


have a nice day

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hello homeboy


i just had a look on buschgardens williamsburg


are there lots of differences with busch florida ? (tampa i guess already done)


six flags great adventure looks great


best for you


sorry for my poor english ( i am french)

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i just had a look on buschgardens williamsburg


are there lots of differences with busch florida ? (tampa i guess already done)


Williamsburg is themed to Europe and is considered one of the best themed parks in the United States outside of Disney. Tampa is themed to Africa.


And of course both offer a different set of rides.

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if your in to thrills, then Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens, Six Flags Great Adventure and Hershey Park are some parks to consider. Six Flags America is also fun, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you do both sightseeing in Washington then drive 15 minutes down the road to the park in the same day. It doesn't have as much to do like all the rest of the parks mentioned.

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If your in the boston area make sure to check out Six Flags New England in Springfield, MA it's not as big as Great Adventure or Hershey but has some great coasters and one of the best free waterparks ive ever seen.

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i was just on six flags website


last time i visited six flags valencia in california the flash pass was an extra wait line with less people and a shorter delay to get in the attraction


is this pass now called gold flashpass ?


because i am not sure to understand the terms of the regular flashpass ( i am french so may be i missed something) how does th regular flashpass works ?


thanks for all the infos


i am planning to go


busch gardens europe

six flags great adventure

six flags new england park and water park

and hershey


if you had to remove one

which one would you remove ?



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Must sees-


Lake Compunce


Six Flags New England


Six Flags Great Adventure



How far north are you going? There is a nice smaller park about an hour north of Boston, great selection of rides, a vintage wooden coaster, and the second oldest inverting coaster in the world thats still operating. Its called

Canobie Lake Park.

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There are two types of flashpass at SF GA and SF NE - regular ang gold. They both work about the smae way. It is a small pager sized unit that allows you to select a ride (most of the larger rides/coasters are included).


With the regular FP, once you select a ride, the pager will alert you when you can ride. The time you wait is equal to what the line length is at that time. Ex - if the line for Bizarro is 45 minutes long, you will be able to ride 45 minutes after you select it on the FP. Once the pager goes off, you just walk up the FP entrance - usually takes you up to the loading platform. A ride op will then clear your FP and let you into the loading area (and at this time you can select your next ride while you have your short wait for the current ride).


The gold FP cuts this wait down extensively - again, if Bizarro was 45 minutes when you selected it, your wait may be only something like 15 minutes (I think they quote a 70% shorter time). The gold is quite a bit more expensive than the regular. (I was at SF NE last week and got a reg FP for something like $40 - $10 off since I had a season pass to Six Flags). I believe the gold was running arounf $90. (this was for 2 people).


I usually visit Great Adventure a couple of times a year and sort of wiegh out the crowd to see which if any FP would work for that day. I have had days where, with the gold FP, my ride time is up before I get off the ride!


You can pre-purchase on-line. I'm not sure how people feel about this. I know the number of FPs are limited and I'm not sure how many times they run out.


Suggestion - go online for all the parks you want to visit. Check out any specials. I also visitied Lake Compounce last week and saved a few bucks (and gate time) getting my passes online beforehand.


Also, do you have a SF season pass? It is good at ALL SF parks so it would work at New England AND Great Adventure.


My son and I just got back from a tour in the area you're heading. We did Seabreeze, Darien Lake, Sylvan Beach, Quassy, Lake Compounce, Dorney Park, SF Great Escape, SF New England, Rye Playland and Coney Island. It was a blast and I'm sure you'll have the same!

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