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Evergreen Gardens [RCT3]

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Now I posted why I'm switching to RCT3 in the Cedar Woods topic, but I should sum it all up for all the lazy people.

My Computer that has RCT2 has gone too slow and I don't want to force my self into waiting 10 to 25 mins just to start it up, and get to my park. Instead of dealing with that I'm going to put RCT2 aside, and practice RCT3 until My computer slows down.


Plus, my laptop that holds many programs can run RCT3 with a lot of custom scenery.


Oh yeah, I'm going to say this again.

This is my choice, not yours! If you want to whine about it and what not. Do Not Complain too me, find another park on New Element to watch.


Now that we got that clear, I think its time to go to the first update.


Sites This Park will be posted on = Coaster-net, Theme Park Review, RCT Lounge, Atari.

Name of the park = Evergreen Gardens

Creator of the park = Matthew K.


In the middle of somewhere a large 180*200 area of land became up for sale, and then some people decided to buy the land. Then they cleared the trees, and started working around with the terrain.

(Lame story sorry)

Their Air-Cam took a picture of the park recently and I decided to share with you the picture of the park in current state.



I'm sorry for lame introductions, it will catch on later ^-^'


-Matthew K.




Heres the progress, so far. RCT3 takes more time than I thought.


Oh yeah, sense this is going to be in the RCT3 "Year by Year" updating, I get to do some PTR's every now and then, which has to be the one of my favorite things about RCT3.

Now, year one will come fast, if you know how fast I can get an update done bye.


Here is the PTR team I have (of course the "PTR's are peeps made from the peep creator)

Matthew - Me, the leader

Travis - My best freind

ManHands - My sister

Gabe - My little brother


Theres a few other characters that I don't want to spoil for you.


-Matthew K.

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KPWoCkAxX - I use it because it reminded me of RCT2, but it sucks you can't delete "small" objects with it

BrideySwears - Its a ticket building, and I'm enjoying so far. The onlt thing I find annoying is making "advance" stuff from shyguys and Mobys


The parks "tickets" area is almost complete, there just needs to be some more foliage surrounding the hedges.

(If anyone knows a good scenery pack that has 1/4 bushes, and some flowers please let me know!)


Now, the park decided if they wanted to open on time, there going to need to start working on the rides, so the have constructed a ride that will swing over the season pass building.

^Heres the flat ride, the path ways and stuff need to be constructed still. Rumor has it that the entrance of the ride will be near the main entrance. It also has a rumored name "Monster" ,but it has not been confirmed yet by the park owner.

^Looks like this worker though opening day was today.

^The main gate is going to be right over there, just pass the bag check area.

^The overview of the pass building.

^Not bad for the first time really working with the scenery.


Now, I have RCT3 down in the toolbar, and I better get working.

-Matthew K.

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Name: ManHands

Intensity Level: Wild

Favorite Food: Cotton Candy with gravy

Favorite Coaster Co.: Vekoma

She is one of the PTR'ers. Also the most feared member of the group.



Now, time for the update.

Construction on the parks coaster that is going to be close to the entrance of the park. It will be right next to the flat ride "Monstersaurus".


Now, enough "talk" and more "pics"

^Layout for the parks first coaster.

^Custom Supports



^Path POV

^Ride POV

^Heres the shot, where Monstersaurus's train is in full view.



Until Next Time,

-Matthew K.

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pretty good for a beginner !

Maybe you should focus on this:

variating your building pieces, how much detail you put into your buildings, how many buildings you have etc. right now it looks a little bare with the amount of buildings.

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^^I just know the basics of the RCT Series

^I'm more concerned on the foliage.


Unfortunately the wooden coaster is canceled. Due to the fact that there were several errors in the supports that would of caused the coaster to collapse if it was running. The park did say that they will find something of equal value that will attract guests.

^Let this picture do the rest of the talking


-Matthew K.

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Shame about the woodie... But I recommend in that picture you replace the red a grey with brown, and visa versa etc. I think it looks a bit daft with three different colours... Other than that it's a nice building, it has different levels and isn't blocky.

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Ok, I'm sorry I released the teaser I didn't know I would of finished it so soon. . . .

Well I better just post this update.


Replacing the wooden coaster "Nightmare Woods" we get a different coaster made by Intamin. The ride is called Warning Tower, and I was right when I said "Its not going to fit in with the "forest" them. However it does have some story line to attempt to make it fit in.

In the forest of Evergreen Gardens, there lies a test lab, no one knows how it got there, but its there. Then you happen to go into the base just to see what was up with it. Then it explodes causing the building to explode, as well as some of the materials inside such as radio active barrels, and boxes filled with dynamite. Then the police come, and one care catches on fire, and then they look for whos responsible. They then look at you, and assign you to go up to the hazardous look out tower, to see how far the fires have spread. You then take your seat as you are lifted up to the top. Then the car decides to break free and start having a mind of its own . . . . .


All this is told while in line, and some at the start of the ride.

I really think that the story line could of been better, it could of even been modified where it wasn't a "test base" theme.


Well I got some screens for you all to look at.

^Here you can see the exit, and the station. Notice that its not covered :shock:

^Here you have the entrance path way.

^Heres part of a midway, unfinished.

^Overview of the ride.

^This is a ride that I thought of making, I wanted to use another one of the RCT3 exclusive rides. This one hasn't been used so much, so I decided hey "Why not make an inverted wild mouse?" So I made one, and this is the result. A ride a lot of air time! Now the colors, name, and location are more than likely going to change, but I just wanted to get opinions on the layout.


-Matthew K.

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I was right about the Intamin, in a wierd and wacky sort of way.


I am a huge fan of your themeing in this park TLM, are you using any of the expansion packs?


The inverted wild mouse looks good so far, however I would have liked to see a longer layout for the coaster, only if it is supposed to be a full sized, "adult's" coaster. However, if it was a family like coaster, then keep it as it is.


Again, nice work on the park, I hope there is more to come.

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Team Thriller: Thanks, and I changed the trains.

Stoksy: Hi, I'm Mr.Linky Dinky. Please Click me!, look at that and tell me if that ain't short



I'm only showing this here, because I get the most feed back here, and because TPR is "special"


Anyways, I want you guys to try to give me some "harsh" criticism, you know like the kind I give you guys


Well I'm mainly asking for advice on the supports, color, and anything else that you can see that needs a major change.

Now, I will want to point a few things out.

-There is just going to be dirt under the ride, and the surrounding foliage is unknown, because I'm still hunting for a reliable scenery pack that has bush's, flower's, and small plant's.

-The colors on the trains may change

-The name right now is "Impossible"


Now, please don't go telling people on Atari, Coaster-Net, or RCT Lounge. Or else I can't give you guys exclusive updates


Now, I trust you all, and PLEASE give me feed back, I need "good" feedback, lol


-Matthew K.



I also felt like putting up some stats.(rounded

Excitement: 6:00

Intensity: 7.00

Nausea: 4.00

Max Speed: 55mph

Ride Time: 1 min

Length: 1155ft

Air Time : 0.24

Drops: 4

Highest Drop: 90ft

Inversions: 2 (saxophone, saxophone)

Trains: 5

Max Height: 150ft

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I love it, the new coaster looks really good, however I stand by my statement of it being short, LOL.

I really like the supports on both coasters, especially Impossible. But, and this is being really picky , the station cover looks too colourless, I understand it's white, but I would prefer a brighter colour so it stands out.


Other than that I really like your park, I can never stay focused long enough to build parks in RCT3, I either get bored, the game stuffs up, or I don't like the scenery and rides that I've built.

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