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Photo TR: Phantasialand 1/3

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Well, I went to Phantasialand today and it was good stuff, but just really cold. Anyways, onto the pictures...


First thing we accomplished was Talacon...



Talacon was themed heavily and did not disappoint, it was awesome and yes that is icicles hanging from the mouth(not theming)...




Afterwards, we headed on up to Black Mamba which was closed until 12. I actually didn't think it would open with snow being on the tracks. So, we headed over to the drop tower in the park called Mystery Tower.



I believe it is a Huss drop tower, it was themed heavily and was actually pretty good. Reminded me of a S&S tower, but I still prefer the Intamin towers the most.


While exiting we walked past little kiddies driving snowmobiles and watched one totally flip over. Oh boy...



We proceeded to Black Mamba as it was ten minutes to twelve. There was a line outside the entrance and we decided to wait until they opened. I was still unsure of them opening because I didn't see any test runs and with the snow on the tracks I was suspicious.



But, they opened right on time and we proceeded to the front row. We had to wait about five trains and finally got on, the station itself and the line is incredible. The theming and how the ride interacts is amazing how they did it.




We finally boarded the train and we were off. The ride was incredible, fast paced, smooth and one of the most intense coasters I been on. It never let up speed and it felt like my legs were gonna hit something the whole time. Amazing!








Enough of the Black Mamba goodness, moving along...


We headed to the Escape from Atlantis ride which is basically a simulator just like Back to the Future. It was rough, jerky and pretty boring but it got us out of the cold so it was alright. Plus it was in this Epcot like dome building...



Then went and watched the Pirate 4D show right next door, but since it being in German and all had no idea what the story was behind it. But the effects and everything were really well done and it looked like a humorous show of how everyone else in the theater liked it. So then knowing that Winjas were right nearby, we headed over there to check them out. Winjas is by far probably one of the most fun I ever had on a roller coaster. I was laughing the whole time and both sides were great, especially the neat trick it does at the beginning and at the end. Awesome ride!






I got a nice cappuccino on the way out to warm up a bit and then headed to the Temple of the Nighthawk. Didn't take any pictures of it because it's indoors and it really wasn't anything spectacular. After wards, got some bratwurst and fries and sat down for a bit before hitting up the final credit of the day.



Anywho, the ride was actually pretty good. It had three lift hills and was pretty well paced! The last part of the ride is my favorite and it's up there with Big Thunder IMO.





That's about it, we hit Black Mamba twice more and then left because it was just too cold out. I'll be back before they close for the winter again to hit up the rides I missed. I'll end this with just some random pictures...




And yours truly...


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Mystery Tower is actually an Intamin tower just to put those myth's to rest. I believe it's a bungee model and uses the same gondola as Australia's Giant Drop.


Great photos by the way! I wish our parks were that well presented.

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